
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 26 May 2023

    Caterpillars: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    We were so impressed with Caterpillars class on our recent trip to Hollow Trees Farm. They behaved beautifully and it was such a lovely day!

    Seahorses: Ben - Work hard and concentrate

    Ben is such a good role-model for all seahorses, he makes great choices and is kind to others. This week, he has 'shone' showing great determination during assessments.

    Wolves: Leo - Don't give up / Work hard and concentrate

    Leo, we are so proud of you. You have been so determined to achieve your goals and this has really paid off. You have shown by working hard that you can overcome obstacles. Great work!

    Lions: Whole Class - Work hard and concentrate / Don't give up

    Lion class has worked their socks off this week as they completed their assessments. They have all shown determination to reach their goals even when they found it tricky. Well done!

    Dolphins: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    Dolphins have worked so hard on their 'special writing' and throughout assessment week, consistently giving their best! We are so proud of you all!

    Owls: Marnie - Improve

    Marnie has 'wowed' us with her fraction knowledge this week. She has provided excellent explanations for her methods. Well done!

    Butterflies: April - Work hard and concentrate

    April unfailingly puts her best foot forwards - you can guarantee that any piece of work will have her full effort. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Reily - Try new things

    Reily has shown great resilience this half term and always tries his best. Every new skill Reily has tried, he has always given it 100%. Well done!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 19 May 2023

    Caterpillars: Lillie - Respect yourself and others

    Lillie has been such a super helper tidy-up star this week. Choosing to do extra jobs to help others as much as she can. Keep up the great work!

    Seahorses: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    We are all so proud of Seahorse Class and how they represented St. Andrew's on our school trip to the zoo!

    Wolves: Freddie - Work hard and concentrate

    Well done, Freddie! You have shown great determination this week and have not given up when you have found work a challenge. Keep it Up!

    Lions: Lilly-Rose - Imagine

    Lilly fully immersed herself in our writer's workshop this week where the children were asked to create their own world. Lilly created a map of her world and used descriptive language to explain what it was like there. Excellent work!

    Dolphins: Stanley - Improve

    Stanley has amazed us all over the last few weeks with his focus, concentration and contributions during class discussions. Super job!

    Owls: Kayden - Work hard and concentrate

    Kayden has put 100% effort into his learning this week - working hard on fractions and sharing creative ideas for special write. Well done!

    Butterflies: Will - Work hard and concentrate

    Whatever he's turning his hand to, Will gives his all and helps others give their all too! Thank you for being such a wonderful role-model. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Ava - Try new things

    Ava is showing excellent determination and resilience in her PE lessons. Ava is a good friend to her peers and always supports her partner when learning a new skill. Well done!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 12 May 2023

    Caterpillars: Chloe - All learning behaviours

    Chloe is such a shining star. She models all the school's learning behaviours and always has an amazing attitude to learning. Keep up the amazing work!

    Seahorses: Summer - Work hard & concentrate

    Summer is working so hard in Seahorses class. She listens well and contributes to class discussions, she has loved learning about penguins this week and has helped her friends recall facts.

    Wolves: Minty - Work hard & concentrate

    Minty has worked really hard this week to make improvements in her reading. She has focused on using the strategies we have been learning and even supported her peers. Well done!

    Lions: Matthew - Improve

    Matthew has not only worked incredibly hard all this week, but he has also used his understanding to help others around him. Great work!

    Dolphins: Hazel - Improve

    For excellent effort in her recent art work studying Kandinsky paintings. Hazel has shown great improvements!

    Owls: Oscar - Respect yourself and others

    Oscar has been a good role-model in Owl class, listening to others ideas. He has been keeping our classroom extra tidy with his role of 'Classroom Monitor'. Well done!

    Butterflies: Whole class - All learning behaviours

    You have shown our 'Learning Behaviours' every second this week. We are so proud of you. We are proud of you all for the camaraderie, focus and resilience you have shown throughout. Well Done!

    Sport Cup: Darcy - Work hard and concentrate

    Darcy's dedication, discipline and perseverance in PE is what has made him stand out in Athletics. Darcy is also a fantastic team player always cheering on his peers. Well done!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 05 May 2023

    Caterpillars: Eliza - Improve

    Eliza has blown us away this week with her letter formation. It is so wonderful to see such an improvement. Keep up the hard work!

    Seahorses: Maddie - Improve / Work hard and concentrate

    Maddie is working so hard in all areas of the curriculum. She tries her very best and always with a big smile! Well done!

    Wolves: Harry - All learning behaviours

    Harry has shown what a great role-model he is to his peers this week. During all our collaborative tasks, he has worked well in a team and made sure everybody is heard. You are a superstar!

    Lions: Matilda - Don't give up / Improve

    Matilda has flown with her maths this week. She has been focused and responded to feedback offered in order to improve her work. Well done!

    Dolphins: Joshua - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

    Josh has been making a super effort in maths this week and this improvement is helping his written calculation accuracy. Well done!

    Owls: Jase - Don't give up

    Jase has worked really hard this week, particularly showing perseverance and digging deep with long multiplication. Well done!

    Butterflies: Ruby - Respect yourself and others

    Ruby has such a kind hearted, generous spirit which she uses to brighten up the day for children across the school.

    Sport Cup: Tommy - Work hard and concentrate

    Tommy always strives to be better every week and challenges himself. Tommy shows excellent listening skills and excels with his throwing and catching skills. Well done!
