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C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Thu 24 Mar 2016

    Love Birds: Riley - Respect yourself and others.

    Riley makes good choices. He plays fairly with others, showing good team work. Well done Riley.

    Pandas: Theo - Work hard and concentrate.

    Theo enjoys taking part in all aspects of learning. He will always focus on the right things and put 100% effort into all his work. Well done Theo!

    Giraffes: Whole Class - Improve.

    All the Giraffes have been putting in the effort to improve this term and have therefore shone this week. Keep it up Giraffes, you have made Mrs Fitzgibbon and Mrs Cuthbert very proud!

    Seahorses: Kevin - Improve.

    Kevin has worked his socks off this week, applying everything he's learned in maths to solve some really tricky problems. Great work Kevin!

    Ocelots: Harry - Work hard and concentrate.

    Harry always gives 100% to his work and listens to suggestions on how he can improve. He is calm and responsible, a super role model. Well done Harry.

    Polar Bears: Morgan - Work hard and concentrate.

    Morgan has shown great enthusiasm for our Roman Topic and even did some more research at home!

    Golden Eagles: Jack - Improve.

    Jack has been making a huge effort with his reading. He is trying hard to develop a love of reading and has read nearly two long books in just a week! Miss Veater and Mrs Partridge are really pleased with his positive attitude!

    Falcons: Jack - Work hard and concentrate.

    Jack has made a tremendous effort to improve his writing. He wrote a fantastic information text on Penguins in science this week. Well Done!

    Sports Cup: Jamie - Improve.

    Jamie has continued to make progress and improve in all aspects of PE. Well done!

    Sports Cup: Year 6 Fire House - Respect yourself and others.

    Fire House showed an amazing team performance at the school swimming gala. Well done to you all!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 18 Mar 2016

    Love Birds: George - Imagine.

    George loves stories, especially retelling them. He brought in his book 'We're Going on an Egg Hunt'. George had fun innovating the story, thinking of different characters. Well done!

    Pandas: Emily - Respect yourself and others.

    Emily is a fantastic role model to her friends in Panda class. She listens to instructions, works well with her friends and is always willing to help other Pandas when she can.

    Seahorses: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others.

    Seahorse class thought carefully about their actions on our visit to the Museum of Childhood on Wednesday. They were great representatives of St. Andrew's school and we were proud to be with them. Well Done Seahorses!

    Giraffes: Libby - Work hard and concentrate.

    Libby has been working hard and concentrating. She has made a great effort this week, particularly in Maths. Libby has enjoyed tackling her multiplication and division word problems!

    Ocelots: Sidney - Respect yourself and others.

    Sidney has always thought about others and shows understanding and empathy. He is honest and will listen to the point of view of others in the class, helping them when he can. A very caring Ocelot. Well done!

    Polar Bears: Ellie - Work hard and concentrate.

    You have impressed us so much in Guided Reading, with your enthusiasm to share your ideas and listen and respond thoughtfully to what others are saying. Brilliant effort!

    Golden Eagles: Jemima - Don't give up.

    Jemima has really shone this week in literacy, writing a police report which she thought carefully about. She put a lot of effort into her work, settling down and concentrating hard. Well done Jemima!

    Falcons: Fern - Work hard and concentrate.

    Fern has made tremendous progress in all areas. She has concentrated and worked incredibly hard. Well Done!

    Sports Cup: Ryan - Don't give up.

    Well done Ryan for your perseverance and determination in all that you do.




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 11 Mar 2016

    Love Birds: Chloe - Respect yourself and others.

    Chloe worked with other love birds to re-tell the story of the 'Little Red Hen'. Her confidence amazed us, when she stood in front of the class and performed as a rat. Well done!

    Pandas: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others.

    Pandas, you have been an example to the whole school community. You were calm and sensible in an emergency and have come into school ready to learn every day since. Well done!

    Seahorses: Jodie - Improve.

    Jodie's confidence in reading is growing and growing, to the point where she even read a story to all her seahorse friends this week. Well done Jodie - keep it up!

    Giraffes: Ewan - Work hard and concentrate.

    Ewan has worked hard this week to focus on the right things. He has been putting lots of effort into his classwork and should be very proud of himself. Keep it up Ewan!

    Ocelots: Isabelle - Work hard and concentrate.

    Isabelle has raised her game in maths to try and be the best that she can be. Se keeps focused and doesn't let any difficult problems stop her. Keep it up Isabelle and well done!

    Polar Bears: Jamie  Work hard and concentrate.

    Jamie has worked so hard to research and answer his question about Roman life; he reflected really carefully on the purpose of the research and relevance of his findings. Fabulous effort Jamie!

    Golden Eagles: Joe - Respect yourself and others.

    Joe's attitude to his work is fantastic. He listens really carefully to what he is asked to do and concentrates hard. I've been really impressed with his attitude and fabulous behaviour this week.

    Falcons: William - Work hard and concentrate.

    William never fails to give every single lesson 100%. What a super star!

    Sports Cup Winner: Leo - Work hard and concentrate.

    Leo has listened well and worked really hard, he has shown determination and not given up when things were tricky.


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 04 Mar 2016

    Lovebirds: Rhys - Work hard and concentrate.

    Well done Rhys for blending your sounds using Fred. Whoosh! Keep reading!

    Pandas: Jake - Imagine.

    Jake has written a fantastic character description, full of imaginative adjectives that shone through his writing. Well Done Jake!

    Seahorses: Oliver - Improve.

    Oliver as been enjoying learning about fractions this week and is showing real improvements in his work. Well done Oliver!

    Giraffes: Ellie-Mae - Respect yourself and others.

    Ellie-Mae shows love to all the Giraffes, including the adults! Ellie-Mae has fantastic manners and really knows how to share a smile!

    Ocelots: Finley - Don't give up.

    Finley has had a brilliant attitude in maths this week and has persevered with multiplication - no stopping you now. Well done Finley.

    Polar Bears: Tom - Improve.

    Tom has really impressed us with his attitude towards his writing this week and has worked really hard to apply everything that we have been learning. Great effort Tom!

    Golden Eagles: Ben - Imagine.

    Ben always approaches his work with great imagination and creativity. He has especially shone this week in R.E, taking on the role of a Roman guard in a drama activity. Well done Ben!

    Falcons: Luca - Imagine.

    Luca has written some brilliantly creative poetry this week based on work by Micheal Rosen. We were all in stitches listening to his 'homework' poem!

    Sports Cup: Ella - Don't give up.

    Ella has shown a fantastic attitude in PE and we have seen her really shine. She also stepped up to the plate and was a Year 6 Cross Country Team member at short notice, what courage. Well done Ella!

