
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Wolves (4)

Welcome to wonderful

Wolves class


Wow! Is it the summer term already.

This half term our topic is 'Our Wonderful World'.

We have started by studying how flowering plants reproduce themselves and will be developing the topic by using maps and the internet to find out where our favourite plants come from.


Our artwork will be based on the artist Andy Goldsworthy, so watch this space for our work.

We had a great time performing our production 'Heroes of Troy', which was a huge success. A lot of hard work went into making sure it was the best it could be and our thanks go out to all of the parents, grandparents and helpers for making this such a special event.



Use the Mathletics website to improve your maths work towards a 'gold' medal.


Read some of our fantastic writing based on explanation texts.


Spring 2.2 newsletter year 4
