Welcome to Dolphins!
The Dolphins are super writers!
Our new topic is...
Kings and Queens
Dolphins had a great time at Notley! We learnt team skills and geocaching helped our navigational skills
Dolphins positioning themselves in order of their age
Will the ramp balance?
showing off our equipment!
listening to instructions
enjoying a picnic together
Dolphins enjoyed dressing up as characters from books during Book Week!
Dolphins enjoyed dressing up as characters from books during Book Week!
Maths Learning Together - thank you all for coming!
Catch the Bubbles - 1 bubble is worth
Starter for Ten: What colour reflects your personality?
An Arctic explorer came to visit the Dolphin's class. We learnt all about life in the Arctic! Here are a few snaps of the Dolphins using their navigational skills...
Using the Internet Safely
The Internet is a giant database of information. Anyone can put information on the internet, and it may not always be accurate! Click on the eyes to go to a website which helps us to learn how to stay safe online.