Happy New Year Pandas!
Parent Information Letters with details of the upcoming Learning Together afternoon have been sent home. There is a copy on the class page also. This will be on Monday 1st February and we will be focussing on sounds and reading.
Last week was our first Big Write of 2016. The children had some amazing ideas to write a new ending to save the princess trapped in the clock tower. Here are the Goal Scorers of the Week:
Welcome back after half-term!
The children have made a busy start to this half-term. We are learning lots of the words for our songs for the Nativity play. The music can be found on the website by searching in the 'Children' link then click on 'Gallery' to find them.
Big Writing - 12.11.15
This week's task was based on the story of 'The Girl with the Yellow Bag'. We were focussed on our use of punctuation and challenging ourselves to re-read our stories checking our punctuation marks were added where necessary.
Here are this week's Goal Scorer's of the Week:
Welcome to Pandas Class!
A warm welcome to Year 1 and Pandas Class. The children have made a fantastic start to the new year and have settled into their new routines brilliantly. Pandas have chosen their topic for this half-term. We're going to call it 'Scales and Tales'! We're very excited about finding out about all sorts of scaly animals and writing some scaly tales of our own.
We'll add some more information and photographs on to the page to keep you updated throughout the half-term.
Goal Scorers of the Week (01.10.15)
Pandas have completed their first Big Writing challenge of Year 1 and what an excellent job they did! Our Goal Scorers of the Week were chosen for using exciting vocabulary and excellent punctuation skills in their Pocket Dinosaur description. It was a delight to read everyone's ideas. Great job Pandas!
Around the World in Two Days!
Wow Pandas have had the busiest start to the week. We chose Europe as our continent to explore and off we went making flags, learning to count in Italian and finding different leaves for European trees in our Forest School session.
We're still busy working on our Paul Klee inspired city-scapes but these will be on display in the hall next week. Here are a few photos from the leaf hunting we enjoyed in the forest.