Dear Parents,
As promised, the slides from the SATs Information Evening are here for you to download and access. Also, the Year 2 Curriculum has been downloaded for your information as requested. Any queries, pleases speak with the class teachers. Thank you.
Summer 1 term
Our theme this half term is:
The Great Fire of London.
Describe historical events.
• Describe significant people from the past.
• Recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted as they did.
• Observe evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past - looking at film
• Ask questions such as: What was it like for people? What happened? How long ago?
• Use artefacts, pictures, stories, online sources to find out about the past.
• Identify some of the different ways the past has been represented.
Spring Term in Sun Bears
Spring 2 Topic:
'From Farm to Fork'
Where does our food come from ?
Design your own packaging/advertising – DT & Art
Make own packaging for plants/seeds – DT (potato head packaging)
Where does chocolate/cocoa come from? Track journey from pod to Supermarket
Geography – Continents/oceans - name continents as we track coco pod journey
Art and Design
Design and Technology (Cooking and nutrition – continue from spring 1
• Understand where food comes from: possible visit to farm to trace journey of a seed/plant/picking/packaging/supermarket/fork
Learning Together: Monday 5th March 2018 - Reading focus.
World Book day - Thursday 1st March 2018 ( Story Book Villains )
Year 2 SATs Information Meeting - Thursday 1st March 2018 6pm start
Spring 1:Our Topic is exploring Animals & Humans
We are going to focus on - growth, basic needs, exercise, food and hygiene.
• Investigate and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, and plants, for survival (water, food and air).
• Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food and hygiene.
We are looking for ward to our visitors on Friday 12th January: Animal Encounters (Photos to follow) where the children will be able to experience a close encounter with a variety of different animals !
Autumn Term
Sun Bears have settled in well and looking forward to getting into our first topic 'Seaside Adventures'. We will be reading 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and exploring life by the seaside, even making our own model lighthouses.
Please start saving Pringles crisp tubes and long sweets tubes more than 20cms long to help us make these.
Thank you.
Sun Bears have had a great start to their 1st Term in Year 2 and are looking forward to the Christmas festivities ahead. We have started to learn our songs for our Christmas Nativity - 'Christmas Recipe'. Information about parts and costumes will be sent home with the children very soon.
Our new class topic for Autumn 2 will be - Pirates Ahoy! Where we are learning new geography skills - exploring continents and countries around the world.