Summer 1
Our last term in Year 4! After an excellent Spring term, including our fantastic production of Robin Hood, we are all ready for the sun to shine! We have been using Literacy Shed videos to help inspire our writing. For example, we will be using the 'Once in a Lifetime' video to write an adventure story based high up in the clouds. In maths, we are over-learning the basic operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and solving word problems using these skills. Our topic this term is 'Groovy Greeks and the Olympics'. This will see us creating and designing our own Olympic Games, and recognising similarities and differences between the Greeks and the Modern Day. We will also explore the values which are upheld during the Olympics and how we can display these in school.
our next learning together is on July 1st.
Spring 1
Happy New Year! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break.
Our topic this term is 'The Living World'. We will be investigating plants and animals, including how they are adapted to their surroundings as well as creating and understanding food chains. Our new class book is 'Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone'. The children are already so excited to have receive their own letter from Hogwarts and have been busy writing back to them. On our adventure, we will be visiting Diagon Alley, the Great Hall, Quidditch pitches and much more. In maths, we will be finding fractions of whole numbers and be able to identify equivalent fractions. Year 4 have done amazingly well with Times Tables Rockstars beating all the other year groups in KS2 so keep it up!
Our next learning together is on Thursday 7th February at 10:30am
Autumn 2
The children have had a fantastic first term in Year 4, producing extraordinary suspense stories.
This term we will be studying the Romans and following them on their Journey from Rome to Colchester. The children will make Roman Shields and learn the invasion tactics the Romans used to conquer over other Regions. In English, we will be persuading people to join the Roman army as well as continuing our talk for writing when learning the story 'Attack of the Colesseum!
In Maths we will be working hard on our number bonds to 100, learning how to tell the time and introducing decimal numbers. These can all be supported at home through the use of Mathletics.
Remember to read 3 times per week to earn that reading star!
This term our topic is 'Electric Shock'. We will reading the book 'Jink's and O'Hare Funfair Repair' creating our own funfairs and writing adventure stories when the carriage leaves the track...
We will also be making electrical circuits and making a 'beat the buzzer' game for our funfairs.