Welcome back to year 3!
This is our class page which will be updated with class pictures and other information of what we will be covering in class. We have had a great start to the term and the children have already showed great enthusiasm and a hard working attitude towards our English and Maths topics.
Our class topic this half term will be 'our incredible body'. In our science lessons we will be looking at the role our bones and muscles play in support and movement, as well as how a balanced diet can keep us healthy.
We are almost coming to the end of our half term and what a few weeks it's been!
We are now all experts at our new maths skills, having a big focus on addition and subtraction methods.
The children have been learning how to use persuasive writing, we have produced some outstanding writing for our very own travel brochures. Have a look at the goalscorers to see some examples.
During topic we have been learning about our circulatory system and how important our main organs are!
Welcome back!
This half term we will be beginning our new topic 'Treasure Island'. We will be looking at the life of pirates, and exploring how they used maps and even creating our own. We also have our Learning together to look forward to on Thursday 16th November 1:30 pm.
We will be deepening our understanding of number sense in maths, and exploring properties of Shapes. During English we shall be using a range of skills including ;play writing, suspense writing and more!
We have our next share on Tuesday 7th November, so please feel free to come and take a look at your children's work.
Welcome back from the Christmas Break!
We have already begun exploring our new topic - Ancient Egypt - We have created a class library of Egyptian books and artifacts. During this topic we will be finding out what typical day as an Egyptian would have looked like, as well creating our own Egyptian music and artwork.
Our new class novel for this half term is 'Until I Met Dudley'. This is an exciting book where we will learn how to write our own instructional texts.
Our next share is on the 9th January, so please come and see what your children have been up to!
Our topic this half term is 'Extreme Earth'. During this topic, we will explore volcanoes, earthquakes and thunder! The children will be able to using art skills to create some stunning volcano painting, in science we will be creating chemical reactions to watch a volcano erupt and in geography we will understand the formation of the Earth.
We will continue with our French lessons which the children are enjoying very much and are now able to have a conversation with their peers.
Our next learning together will be Friday 9th March 1:30-3:00. As a class, we will show the importance of reading and how you can support reading fluency and reading for enjoyment at home so please try and come along! Look forward to seeing you all there.
This half term, we will be exploring the topic 'Farm to Fork'. We will be investigating where our food comes from, including the process of turning cocoa into chocolate. Furthermore, we will be looking at the fair trade process and how this supports farmers.
We will be deepening our understanding of number sense during maths lessons and link this into helping us solve multiplication and division word problems.
In our PE lessons, we will be starting to practice for sports day which is fast approaching!
Our next learning together will be on Thursday 21st June 1:30-3:00