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C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 29 Jun 2018

    Turtles: Elizabeth - Respect yourself and others

    Lizzie amazed me with her kindness this week. She is always there to help others and give a hug if needed! Lizzie has also been a superstar with our song for the school fayre!

    Flamingos: April - respect yourself and others

    April is a fantastic flamingo! She is incredibly kind and caring to everyone and her wonderful behaviour has been noticed by adults all around the school! Well done!

    Sun Bears: Jessica - Don't give up

    Jessica has been a brave Sun Bear this week. Despite falling over and hurting her knee and arm, Jessica bounced back and carried on working hard in class. Well done!

    Foxes: Pippa - Work hard and Concentrate

    Pippa has worked really hard this week in all areas. She has generated excellent ideas in her 'Big Write' and solved tricky fraction equations.

    Badgers: Charlie - Imagine

    Charlie has really used his creativity and imagination in English this week, writing an explanation text for a contraption in spired by a picture book he loves!

    Toucans: Theo - Work hard and concentrate

    Theo has worked hard on his writing this week and has been inspired by our class text. He really got into the role of the main character, writing an emotive piece about  a difficult journey. Keep it up!

    Sharks: Ellie - Respect yourself and others

    Ellie is always patient and kind to her peers. What great learning behaviours!

    Sport Cup: Year 5 Dancers - All Learning Behaviours

    All of the dancers were absolutely amazing when they performed at the Essex County Cricket ground in front of 100's! They demonstrated all the core values on a very hot afternoon. Well done!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 22 Jun 2018

    Turtles Whole Class - Try new things

    All of Turtle class had an amazing first Sport's Day. They showed great courage, demonstrated sportsmanship and behaved brilliantly, all whilst enjoying a fun-filled day!

    Flamingos: Whole Class - All Learning Behaviours

    We were so proud of the 'Fabulous Flamingos' on our class trip to Colchester Zoo, they showed all the school's learning behaviours. They were super sport's day participants too!

    Sun Bears: Emily - Try new things

    Emily is a superstar Sun Bear. She has grown in confidence and will ask an adult if she feels unsure. We are so proud of your 'have a go' attitude, Emily!

    Foxes: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

    Jack has worked really hard with his learning partner this week and persevered when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 100. Keep it up, Jack!

    Badgers: Chloe - Work hard and concentrate

    Chloe works with quiet determination and enthusiasm in all that we do and we have seen a real growth in her resilience in Maths in particular.

    Toucans: Sunny - Try new things

    Sunny did so well with the long distance race on Sport's day. He was so unsure, but challenged himself, gave it a go and, did amazingly well. You are a superstar!

    Sharks: Dylan - Improve

    Dylan always does his best. He has made great progress with his writing, well done,

    Sport Cup: Sharks - All Learning behaviours

    Sharks have demonstrated all of our school values whilst helping run Sports Day this week. A big thank you from Mrs Press, for all of your help!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Thu 14 Jun 2018

    Turtles: Eddie - Improve

    Excellent work in Read, Write, Inc. All green days and making super strides every day. Fantastic effort, Eddie!

    Flamingos: Eloise - Improve

    Eloise has impressed us with her motivation and attitude towards learning this week. She has tried so hard with her phonics at home, really helping her in school. Great work!

    Sun Bears: Edward - Improve

    Edward has worked so hard as an independent writer. During this week's 'Big Write', he said his sentence first and then wrote it. Super work, Edward!

    Foxes: Lincoln - Work hard and concentrate

    Lincoln showed excellent participation in our Mini-Maths Olympics this week. He demonstrated great subject knowledge when ordering and comparing decimals. Super effort!

    Badgers: Abigail - Work hard and concentrate

    Abigail challenges herself and strives to better her best in all that she does - she holds high expectations of herself and puts in great efforts to meet these.

    Toucans: Finley - Improve

    Finley is making fantastic progress in his maths. He is using a range of mental strategies and is determined to present his work more clearly. Great effort, Finley!

    Sharks: Jamie - Don't give up

    Jamie has really stuck at his artwork, he has persevered and produced a fantastic picture of a bird of prey!

    Sport Cup: Turtles Class - All Learning Behaviours

    The whole Turtles class have been very grown up and sensible when practicing their races for sports day. They have listened carefully, followed instructions, looked after themselves and each other and above all, had fun! Well done!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 08 Jun 2018

    Turtles: Findlay - All Learning Behaviours

    Findlay always works hard and makes good choices. He is a kind friend and a fantastic role model for others. He often 'wows' us all. Well done,Findlay!

    Flamingos: Emmie - Imagine

    Emmie has had a great week and has excelled when showing her creativity! Inspired by our 'First Site' visit, she has produced some excellent art work for 'Take One Picture'!

    Sun Bears: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others

    Sun Bears were shining stars on Tuesday at the First Site Gallery. They had a grown-up attitude on the coach as we went on both buses, this was very sensible! Well done!

    Foxes: Oliver - Work hard and concentrate

    Oliver has managed distractions well this week and been focussed on making positive choices. An excellent week!

    Badgers: Corbyn - Work hard and concentrate

    Corbyn has really been trying to challenge himself in recent weeks, especially in Maths, and is reaping the rewards of doing so. Keep it up, Corbyn!

    Toucans: Isobel - Work hard and concentrate

    Issy is always focused and gives her best. Her hard working attitude makes her a great learning partner as do her precise and accurate editing skills. Great work!

    Sharks: Mia - Don't give up

    Mia continues to stick at things, particularly with her writing. She is a resilient learner and a truly super shark!

    Sport Cup: Isabelle - Don't give up

    Although a little nervous at first, Isabelle persevered in her high jump practice this week and surprised herself by how well she did! Super effort!
