
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 25 Nov 2016

    Caterpillars: Laiton - Respect yourself and others

    Laiton has been a kind and caring caterpillar, showing real concern and care for his friends when they were hurt.

    Bats: Kayden - Improve

    Wow Kayden, you have blown everyone's socks off recently. You are improving each week in reading and writing and then managing your P.E routine! Great things to follow, I'm sure!

    Honey Bees: Louis - All learning behaviours

    Louis is so deserving of an award. He always concentrates, listens carefully, does his best and never gives up! He's a brilliant role model for everyone!

    Huskies: Libby - Work hard and concentrate

    Libby quietly gets on with her work and tries her very best in all areas. Keep up the effort Libby and well done!

    Otters: James - Work hard and concentrate

    James has blown us away with his enthusiasm, curiosity and the hours that he has put in at home for our Roman topic- we have learnt so much from you, James!

    Koalas: Grace - Improve

    Grace has worked hard this week in all subjects. In literacy, she has been so interested in the discovery of Skara Brae. In maths, she has worked hard to create an amazing picture, full of angles, lines and different shapes. Super effort Grace!

    Panthers: Jack - Don't give up

    Jack has really stuck at things this week. He has developed an imaginative play script and has tackled extension maths work with confidence. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Girls Year 5 & 6 Football Team - Don't give up

    The team showed great perseverance in their matches at Lyons Hall last Friday. Having not played competitively as a team before, they showed true resilience in their game and had faith in themselves. Well done girls!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 18 Nov 2016

    Caterpillars: Teagan - Work hard and concentrate

    Teagen has been a super example to all the Caterpillars this week. She has shown super listening skills by settling quickly, sitting smartly and having listening ears and magnet eyes!

    Bats: Isabel - Don't give up

    Isabel, we are all so proud that you showed perseverance in your 'Big Write' and produced something very special.

    Honey Bees: Neha - Work hard and concentrate

    Neha has stunned her class by already achieving her gold times tables challenge certificate. She sets a fabulous example to the class, always doing her best. We are very proud of your efforts Neha.

    Huskies: Lucas - Work hard and concentrate

    Lucas gives 100% in everything he does. What a superstar! Well done Lucas and keep it up!

    Otters: Holli - Don't give up

    Holli Has shown great determination and perseverance in maths this week, working hard to take advice on board. She has well and truly cracked decimals as a result!

    Koalas: Ted - Work hard and concentrate

    Ted has been working so hard throughout this half-term. He now takes so much pride in his work, listens carefully and gives his best, fantastic Ted!

    Panthers: Zara - Work hard and concentrate

    Zara has worked incredibly hard this week. She has mastered some co-ordinates work and produced an atmospheric 'Big Write'. Well done Zara!

    Sport Cup: Evelyn - Try new things

    Evelyn did really good hula-hooping with great concentration and skill. Well done and keep it up!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 11 Nov 2016

    Caterpillars: Seth - Try new things

    Seth has enjoyed ' having a go' this week. He has tried new things including blending new sounds and putting his hands in paint! Keep challenging yourself Seth!

    Bats: Charlie - Don't give up

    This half term Charlie has already shown plenty of perseverance in his learning. It is a pleasure to teach Charlie and see the great progress he is making, especially in reading and writing.

    Honey Bees: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

    We've really noticed Jack's efforts this week. He completed some great arrays in maths and won the word detective competition, keep this up next week, Jack!

    Huskies: Tilly - Respect yourself and others

    Tilly is always ready to help out in the class and will help any of her classmates where she can. A very helpful Husky! Well done Tilly!

    Otters: Poppy - Imagine

    Poppy has blown us away with her writing this half term, such a creative writing voice and a wonderful writing role model to us all.

    Koalas: Joshua - Imagine

    Josh has amazed me this week with his poetry writing. He used personification to create a super poem about a dream catcher. His ideas are always so imaginative and creative. Well done Josh!

    Panthers: Jacob - Work hard and concentrate

    Jacob has produced some amazing creative writing, full of similes and personification. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Jemima - Try new things

    Jemima enjoyed having a go at netball and enjoyed learning new techniques. She always focuses on the right things and strives to make things better and to improve. Well done - keep it up!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 04 Nov 2016

    Caterpillars: Nila - Work hard and concentrate

    Nila has been writing at every opportunity this week and has also worked hard to learn our Nativity songs, which she sings with great effort! Well done Nila!

    Bats: Alfie - Work hard and concentrate

    Wow, what an excellent week Alfie has had in Bat' s class. We've had a brilliant description of a hero in 'Big Writing' and Alfie has extended his number recognition and ordering. Amazing job Alfie!

    Honey Bees: Lincoln - Don't give up and Work hard and concentrate

    Lincoln is showing great persistence in so many lessons. Rather than leaving tricky things he keeps going. There is such a difference in his handwriting and maths work. You star Lincoln, keep it up!

    Huskies: Kevin - Work hard and concentrate

    Kevin works hard on his own and with his peers. A super role model. Keep it up Kevin!

    Otters: Brook - Work hard and concentrate

    Brook consistently impresses us all with his boundless enthusiasm, focus and determination. Well Done Brook!

    Koalas: Polly - Imagine

    Polly has worked hard this week to produce some amazing writing about life in the trenches. Her sensitive ideas and carefully chosen words really showed great imagination. She may well become a fantastic author some day!

    Panthers: Sophie - Imagine

    Sophie produced an imaginative 'Big Write' this week. She wrote a creative and innovative letter from the trenches. Well done!

    Sport Cup Winner: Riley - Respect yourself and others and Improve

    Riley demonstrated these behaviours during PE this week. He showed great self-control and patience applying past knowledge to improve his control of the ball. He listened carefully to instructions and strove to improve his technique. What a superstar!


