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C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 23 Feb 2018

    Turtles: Brooke - Improve & Work hard and concentrate

    Brooke has practised lots and is now remembering lots of her sounds and is even able to read words! What an improvement, you really are a terrific Turtle!

    Flamingos: Safia - Improve

    Safia has been trying so hard with her Read, Write, Inc. learning. She has been practising her sounds a lot, which has helped with reading and writing. Fantastic effort!

    Sun Bears: Jessica - Improve

    We have been so impressed with Jessica's motivation to learn, she asked to stay in at lunchtime to complete extra Maths challenges. Well done!

    Foxes: Sienna - Try new things

    Sienna has been challenging herself this week in Maths and working hard on improving her writing. Keep it up!

    Badgers: Lucas - Work hard and concentrate

    Lucas unfailingly gives his best in all that he does and contributes enthusiastically during discussions!

    Toucans: Elisha - Work hard and concentrate

    Elisha has shown real determination in Maths this week. She has been ambitions and resilient with our fraction and decimal learning, even practising in her own time. Terrific effort!

    Sharks: Grace - Work hard and concentrate

    Grace has really focussed on her learning this week. She has managed distractions and has produced some great work!

    Sport Cup: Brook - Don't give up

    Brook never gave up in Year 5's spontaneous game of Benchball this week. He placed himself in defence and was so determined not to let the ball past him. Amazing work!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    Turtles: Carter - Improve

    Carter's confidence is growing by the day. His show and tell 'wowed' us, speaking so clearly to all his fellow Turtles. Well done, Carter!

    Flamingos: Hannah - All Learning behaviours

    Hannah is such a great example to her class, demonstrating all of the learning behaviours. What a thoughtful and motivating member of the team!

    Sun Bears: Ava - Work hard and concentrate

    Ava wrote a detailed story this week taking great care to include powerful verbs and a variety of punctuation. Well done, Ava!

    Foxes: Alfie - Work hard and concentrate

    Alfie has been up for a challenge in Maths this week, working effectively with his learning partner. His 'special writing' was excellent too!

    Badgers: Libby - All Learning Behaviours

    Libby, you are an absolute delight to have in Year 4 and you show all our school learning behaviours in all that you do, day in, day out. Keep shining brightly!

    Toucans: Oliver - Respect yourself and others

    Oliver made a number of thoughtful and reflective comments during our class discussion about e-safety. He was able to share his ideas and think about how important it is to stay safe online.

    Sharks: Connie - Work hard and concentrate

    Connie has focussed on her learning this half term, she has striven for accuracy and precision in all that she does. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Joshua - Improve

    Joshua had a much better PE lesson this week. He strove to improve his performance and stayed focussed on his tasks and enjoyed his learning. Well done, Joshua!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 02 Feb 2018

    Turtles: Willow - Don't give up

    Willow is an excellent example of a resilient learner, taking risks, persevering and recognising his own progress. Great progress results from great effort and Willow has made a great effort with writing his name this week. Well done!

    Flamingos: Abby -Try new things

    Abby continues to impress us with her learning. She asks excellent questions to develop her knowledge and will always challenge herself in any area. Keep it up!

    Sun Bears; Emily - Respect yourself and others

    Emily is a kind and understanding 'Learning Partner'. She lets her partner have the first go and listens to their ideas. Super, Emily!

    Foxes: Pippa - Work hard and concentrate

    Pippa has worked so hard this week, showing great focus. She is really persevering with fractions and amazing us with her writing, her very own portal story!

    Badgers: Nathan - Work hard and concentrate

    Nathan has made a conscious effort to really challenge himself recently, both during discussions and when completing independent work. great to see you in the zone, Nathan!

    Toucans: Rosie - Work hard and concentrate

    Rosie has shown great enthusiasm for her literacy work this week. A fabulous and committed attitude, well done, Rosie!

    Sharks: Emilie - Try new things

    Emilie really focussed on using art pencils and charcoal in her new sketchbook. She challenged herself to try lots of new techniques.

    Sport Cup: Ruby - Improve

    Ruby had a great dance lesson this week. She remembered what the term 'canon' is and how it is used in dance and explained to her classmates clearly. Well done, Ruby!

