Turtles: Brooke - Improve & Work hard and concentrate
Brooke has practised lots and is now remembering lots of her sounds and is even able to read words! What an improvement, you really are a terrific Turtle!
Flamingos: Safia - Improve
Safia has been trying so hard with her Read, Write, Inc. learning. She has been practising her sounds a lot, which has helped with reading and writing. Fantastic effort!
Sun Bears: Jessica - Improve
We have been so impressed with Jessica's motivation to learn, she asked to stay in at lunchtime to complete extra Maths challenges. Well done!
Foxes: Sienna - Try new things
Sienna has been challenging herself this week in Maths and working hard on improving her writing. Keep it up!
Badgers: Lucas - Work hard and concentrate
Lucas unfailingly gives his best in all that he does and contributes enthusiastically during discussions!
Toucans: Elisha - Work hard and concentrate
Elisha has shown real determination in Maths this week. She has been ambitions and resilient with our fraction and decimal learning, even practising in her own time. Terrific effort!
Sharks: Grace - Work hard and concentrate
Grace has really focussed on her learning this week. She has managed distractions and has produced some great work!
Sport Cup: Brook - Don't give up
Brook never gave up in Year 5's spontaneous game of Benchball this week. He placed himself in defence and was so determined not to let the ball past him. Amazing work!