
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 20 Oct 2017

    Turtles: Harry - Respect yourself and others

    Harry has been trying really hard to make good choices, thinking before he acts and being kind to others. We're all very proud of you, Harry!

    Flamingos: Reily - Imagine

    Reily has been creative with his learning this week. He interpreted some music and expressed how a giant would move! Well done, Reily.

    Sun Bears: Isabel - Respect yourself and others

    Isabel has had an amazing two weeks in Sun Bears. Issie has made a huge effort to make the right choices with her behaviour. She has managed distractions brilliantly.

    Foxes: Amber - Don't give up

    Amber has really impressed us with her determination in her writing and in her choices in class. Well done, Amber!

    Badgers:Tiffany - Improve

    What a joy seeing Tiffany write with such enthusiasm, perseverance and the biggest smile! She was so rightly proud of herself and we are too, Tiffany!

    Toucans: Brook - Work hard and concentrate

    Brook has worked tirelessly on his writing, showing fantastic enthusiasm and inspiring others. Brook's 'special write' included some excellent vocabulary, which engaged readers and left us waiting for more! Well done, Brook!

    Sharks: Joshua - Don't give up

    Joshua has really stuck at his learning this half term. He has been resilient and he has learned from mistakes. What a super shark!

    Sport Cup: Melody - Work hard and concentrate

    Melody had two amazing PE lessons this week. She managed distractions beautifully and focussed on all the right things when helping Mrs Press in Dodgeball. What a superstar!





  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 13 Oct 2017

    Turtles: Louis - Improve

    Louis has improved immensely since the start of school. He now comes into school smiling and even stood in front of the whole class during assembly last week. We enjoy watching your confidence grow!

    Flamingos: Katie - Imagine

    Katie has thought creatively in her maths learning this week. When asked to find number bonds to 10, she found many different ways, not just the common 2 number combinations. Amazing, Katie, Well done!

    Sun Bears: George - Try new things

    George is a shining example in Sun Bears. He had fun asking Mr Grinling questions, when he came to visit us. He is thoughtful and gentle in all that he does!

    Foxes: Neha - Respect yourself and others

    Neha has shown she is a great learning partner and shows excellent team spirit, being supportive and teaching her peers.

    Badgers: Charlotte - Work hard and concentrate

    Charlotte has worked with such determination and attention to detail this week, meticulous in all that she's done and such a fabulous role-model to all!

    Toucans: Marney - Respect yourself and others

    Marney is such a helpful and caring Toucan. This week, she has supported her friends when they've needed help and she never fails to put a smile on their face. She is an excellent learning partner and sets a great example to the class.

    Sharks: Joshua S. - Don't give up

    It's not hard to catch Joshua doing the right thing. He quietly perseveres with all of his work and is a resilient and determined learner.

    Sport Cup: Tanya - Don't give up

    Tanya has shown amazing perseverance in her swimming. She has been determined to keep trying and her efforts are paying off with improved strength and technique. Well done!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 06 Oct 2017

    Turtles: Christopher - Don't give up

    Christopher wanted to write his name but didn't know how. He found his name and copied down each letter carefully. What great perseverance!

    Flamingos: April - Respect yourself and others

    April is such a kind and caring girl. She will always be first person to comfort anyone or help when she can. Well done April!

    Sub Bears: Daisy - Try new things

    We are so delighted to have Daisy in Sun Bears. She joined us in September and has settled into St. Andrew's very well. She is so keen to try new things, be brave and have a go.

    Foxes: Marley - Improve

    Marley has shown excellent improvement in his writing this week and striving to make his work to the best of his ability, earning him a place on the "Best Work Wall".

    Badgers: Samuel - Work hard and concentrate

    Sam has worked incredibly hard in the lead up to 'Big Write' this week, even drafting the script for his news broadcast home! What a superb effort, Sam!

    Toucans: Jonathan - Don't give up

    This week, Jonathan has been trying incredibly hard in all subjects, especially Maths. He has shown resilience towards estimating and has made great progress. He has been eager to challenge himself and share his ideas.

    Sharks: Erin - Respect yourself and others

    Erin was really kind this week when she stopped to help an adult, who had dropped books. She is always patient an gentle with others. a brilliant shark!

    Sport Cup: Louis - Try new things

    Louis has been working very hard in PE this week, enjoying his learning with a smile. He enjoyed having a go at star, straight and tuck shapes in gymnastics. What a little star himself! Well done, Louis!


