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C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 25 Feb 2022

    Ants: Erin - Improve

    Erin has shown big improvements in her sounds and writing. She is applying her sounds in writing. She is applying her sounds to write new words! She is practising lots at home and always shows an eagerness to learn. Keep up the fabulous work!

    Giraffes: Ava - Improve

    Ava's resilience has grown over the last weeks. She is starting to really enjoy a challenge and striving for accuracy in her learning. Keep it up, Ava!

    Otters: Eva - Try new things

    Eva has challenged herself this week. She impressed us by being the first one to create a triangle with three straight lines. Keep it up!

    Hummingbirds: Abigail - Respect yourself and others

    Abigail has settled into St. Andrew's and Hummingbird class really well. She has quickly picked up all the learning behaviours and has a big smile for everyone!

    Foxes: Emil - Improve

    Emil has made a real effort with his learning since half term. He has also demonstrated a kind and caring attitude towards others, helping them when he can. Well done!

    Chipmunks: Jude - Respect yourself and others

    Jude has made extra effort this week, to go above and beyond , to show kindness to others in school. He has shown lots of empathy towards others. Well done, Jude, keep it up!

    Fireflies: Joshua - Work hard and concentrate

    Joshua was so focussed during Maths this week that he didn't even notice it was lunchtime! What dedication to decimals, fractions and percentages!

    Sport Cup: Logan - Don't give up

    Logan worked hard on his throwing and catching technique during target games. Keep it up!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Thu 10 Feb 2022

    Ants: Lewyn - Work hard and concentrate / Improve / Respect yourself & others

    Lewyn is always a 'model' pupil. He has been working super hard in Read, Write, Inc using all of his sounds. He is a super tidier. Also I have been hearing all the extra things he has been doing at home!

    Giraffes: Emily - All learning behaviours

    Emily is an outstanding member of giraffe class following all of our learning behaviours but has shown great determination and confidence in all areas of her learning. It has been wonderful to watch Emily being brave!

    Otters: Millie - Improve / Don't give up

    Millie has such a positive attitude to her learning and always tries her best. This week she has shown real determination with her special write and her precision with addition! Well done!

    Hummingbirds: Delilah - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

    Delilah shows a hard-working attitude, day in and day out. Her smiley enthusiasm for learning, especially songs, spreads to others. Keep up this positivity!

    Foxes: Cross county team - Try new things

    Olive, Eddie, Eddie, Maxim, Daisy and Grace showed excellent sportsmanship behaviour and effort at this week's Cross County Competition. You all did so well!

    Chipmunks: Safia - Don't give up

    Safia has shown great resilience both inside and outside of the classroom this week. She has dug deep and stuck at tasks even when she found them challenging. Well done, Safia!

    Fireflies: George - All learning behaviours

    George is the most positive of role-models - a shining example of how to demonstrate our learning behaviours each and every day! Thank you for all you bring to our class and school, George!

    Sport Cup: Cross Country Team - Don't give up

    The Cross Country team demonstrated fantastic perseverance and resilience in this week's competition. Great work!






  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 04 Feb 2022

    Ants: Aria - Respect yourself and others

    Aria is always a star member of the class. She is always super helpful in tidy up time and offers help every time. In class, we have been exploring the book 'Have you filled a bucket today'. Not only does she try to be a bucket filler she tells us about others who fill her bucket!

    Giraffes: Miles - Don't give up

    Miles, you have shown great determination and focus this week in all areas of your learning! Your infectious smile when you complete tasks, especially this weeks' special write, has lightened the room! Well done!

    Otters: Malachy - Improve

    Malachy has impressed us this week with his reading fluency. He has become much more fluent and expressive when reading! Well done!

    Hummingbirds: Arlo - All Learning behaviours

    Arlo sets a wonderful example in his manners, attitude to learning and effort, always putting himself in the challenge zone. He is always an amazing listener and spokesperson.

    Foxes: Kacie - Improve / Work hard and concentrate

    Kacie has made a real effort with her learning in class, joining in class discussions and reading groups. Well done!

    Chipmunks: Lily - Improve / Try new things

    Lily has made excellent self-assessment of her own learning. She has made choices which challenge her learning as well as taking small steps to improve. She has been brave and participated lots in discussion. Well done!

    Fireflies: Kalen - Work hard and concentrate

    Kalen consistently impresses us with his hard work, perseverance and good humour, even when he is busy throwing himself into his challenge zone and the going gets tough!




