
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Thu 24 Oct 2019

    Penguins: Logan - Improve

    During a game of 'Monster Muddle', Logan waited patiently for his turn, then persevered with his counting, striving to improve. Well done!

    Owls: Whole class  - All learning behaviours

    It was a real pleasure to take Owls class to Colchester zoo this week. They were so well behaved and wowed us with their anima knowledge during the explore workshop. Well done!

    Leopards: Kacie - Try new things

    What a fabulous start to school life at St. Andrew's! Leopard class are so happy to have you join them!

    Wolves: Isabelle - All learning behaviours

    Isabelle always gives 100% effort to every lesson and challenges herself all the time. She is a shining example to the rest of the class. Keep it up!

    Meerkats: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

    Jack has been persevering with handwriting, focussing on neat joined writing and producing outstanding presentation.

    Narwhals: Oliver - Improve

    Oliver has shown such improvement in his focus, perseverance and resilience this week and he really has reaped the rewards. Well done!

    Squirrels: Tiffany - Don't give up

    Tiffany has a fantastic attitude to her school work. She perseveres and puts 100% into everything. She is a shining example to all of Squirrel Class.

    Sport Cup: Lilly - Don't give up

    Lilly showed great determination when completing a circuit training exercise in PE. She never gave up and her perseverance shone through with a complete circuit in the end! Well done!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 18 Oct 2019

    Penguins: Millie - Respect yourself and others

    Millie only joined Penguin class a few weeks ago, but she's already embraced St Andrew's life! Making lot of friends and diving into learning as if she has always been here!

    Owls: Rowan - Respect yourself and others

    Rowan is such a wonderful member of Owl class. She is happy to offer the hand of friendship to anyone in need. She always tries her best and will always make good choices.

    Leopards: Eva - Respect yourself and others

    Eva is a delightful Leopard, who always shows her very best every day. You are such a star!

    Wolves: Isabelle - Imagine

    Issy has worked really hard in English this week and written great setting descriptions about the 'Forbidden Forest'. Well done!

    Meerkats: Chloe - Respect yourself and others

    Chloe is a well loved member of Meerkat class as she is always looking out for others, making sure everyone is happy.

    Narwhals: Larry - All learning behaviours

    For always being caught doing the right thing! He is a fabulous addition to Narwhals! Well done!

    Squirrels: Phoebe - Work hard and concentrate and Respect yourself and others

    Phoebe is a delightful Squirrel class member. She always puts 100% effort and hard work into her classwork and homework.

    Sport Cup: Vinnie - Don't give up

    Vinnie's determination in Netball Club this week was outstanding. His defending skills allowed his team to get the ball back and win the game. Great teamwork!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 11 Oct 2019

    Penguins: Hunter - Work hard and concentrate

    Hunter has thrown himself into his learning this week; from writing to counting, to artwork and cooking. You are a star!

    Owls: Mason - Work hard and concentrate

    Mason is amazing us with his mathematical understanding. He quickly answers questions accurately and when challenged, he uses great strategies to help him. Well done!

    Leopards: Eddie - Improve

    Eddie is doing his best to make good choices in class and is making great improvements. Keep up the good work!

    Wolves: Eloise - Work hard and concentrate

    Eloise has worked really hard in Maths this week and persevered when tackling two step word problems. Well done!

    Meerkats: Whole class - Work hard and concentrate

    Meerkat class have worked extremely well in collaboration with their learning partners, creating amazing descriptive writing, editing and improving. Well done!

    Narwhals: Nancy - Improve and Work hard and concentrate

    Nancy, we have watched you challenge yourself to achieve things that you didn't think you could and then have the confidence to share your understanding to support others this week. We are so proud of you!

    Squirrels: Chay - Try new things

    Chay impressed the whole class with his Biomes power-point. We were totally 'wowed' with his whizzy slides. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Ruby - Don't give up

    Ruby stuck at her defending technique during basketball practice this week, despite some strong opposition. Keep on defending, Ruby!





  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 04 Oct 2019

    Penguins: Layla - Improve

    Layla drew an amazing Allosaurus this week, she even labelled it, doing a brilliant job of sounding out and writing. Well done!

    Owls: Arlo - Improve

    Arlo is improving with his learning every day. He is trying so hard when presenting his work and showing huge improvement. Keep it up!

    Leopards: Tom - Try new things

    During our Forest School session, Tom looked for opportunities to further his inquisitiveness, finding lots of interesting things... when you see Tom, ask him what he discovered!

    Wolves: Reily - Improve

    Reily produced a fantastic 'Big Write' this week and worked hard when focussing on his targets. Keep it up!

    Meerkats: George - All learning behaviours

    George has been a wonderful Meerkat this week, following all the learning behaviours. Especially striving to improve accuracy and precision with his 'Big Write'.

    Narwhals: Erin - Work hard and concentrate

    Erin has impressed us all with her enthusiasm and energy across the curriculum this week. It's wonderful to see you immersed in your learning with a smile.

    Squirrels: Dennis - Work hard and concentrate

    Dennis is an example to ALL Squirrels, he always focusses on learning and has especially impressed us with his rapid times tables recall. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Meerkats - Work hard and concentrate

    Meerkats really impressed this week, getting changed quickly and quietly, as well as working hard during their netball session. Well done!


