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C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 29 Mar 2019

    Tiger Cubs: Stanley - Work hard and concentrate

    Stanley enjoys his learning and strives with accuracy and precision. He will bounce back from failure and has impressed us with his maths this week. Well done!

    Elephants: Emily - Imagine

    Emily has impressed us this week with her fractions learning. She has been quick to find 1/2 and 1/4 of numbers and has helped others too!

    Dolphins: April - Respect yourself and others

    April is a delightful member of Dolphin class. She thinks of others, helps her friends and makes great choices. Well done!

    Swans: Kayden - Imagine

    Kayden always works hard and concentrates during every lesson and this week he has written an amazing 'Special Write'. He has used amazing vocabulary too. Well done!

    Giraffes: Josh - Improve

    Josh has produced some excellent descriptive writing in English this week and he continues to impress us all during our play rehearsals. Well done!

    Doves: Alfie - Improve

    Alfie has really striven to improve his accuracy and precision, blowing us away with his improved spelling in particular! Super work, Alfie!

    Ravens: Isabel - Work hard and concentrate

    Isabel always tries her hardest. She loves a challenge and always focuses on the right thing.

    Sport Cup: Dolphins: Work hard and concentrate

    Year 2 have been excellent this week when organising and planning their very own golf course. Well done!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 22 Mar 2019

    Tiger Cubs: Rosie - All learning behaviours

    Rosie always displays all our learning behaviours. She is now more resilient than ever, a perfect role-model!

    Elephants: Joey - Don't give up

    Joey's worked hard on fractions this week, shown good understanding and challenged himself to find halves and quarters of numbers. Amazing, Joey!

    Dolphins: Abigail - Work hard and concentrate

    Abigail has had an excellent week, asking questions to further her understanding. Well Done!

    Swans: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

    Jack always demonstrates our learning behaviours, shining every week. What a 'Super Swan'!Giraffes: Caidence - Work hard and concentrate

    Caidence has flourished in Giraffe class, working hard with her learning partner and using ambitious vocabulary in her writing!

    Doves: Whole class - All learning behaviours

    Dove class you were fantastic for our 'A Cross the World' day yesterday. You impressed our visitors, showing school values and learning behaviours. We are so proud!

    Ravens: William - Work hard and concentrate

    William continues to 'dig deep' in all areas of learning but especially maths. He has been willing to practise lots at home and at school and I am so proud of his progress!

    Sport Cup: Henry - Work hard and concentrate

    Henry is always enthusiastic and supports his team in all lessons. Well done, Henry. Keep up the good work!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 15 Mar 2019

    Tiger Cubs: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    The Tiger Cub class had their very first school trip this week and were amazing! They behaved beautifully, responded to all the activities with awe and wonder and they have continued their farm learning back at school.

    Elephants: Tom - Work hard and concentrate

    Tom has really impressed us this week with his Read, Write Inc. learning. He is focussed during lessons, tries hard with his writing and is improving every day. Well done, Tom!

    Dolphins: Seth - Try new things

    We are very proud of Seth as he has overcome challenges and has gained confidence! Well done, Seth!

    Swans: Chloe - Improve

    Chloe has been stretching herself this week with her writing and using great vocabulary! Keep it up, Chloe!

    Giraffes: Marley - Improve

    Marley has written an excellent 'Big Write' this week, using adventurous vocabulary and varied sentence structures. Keep it up!

    Doves: Darnel - Work hard and concentrate

    Darnel has thrown himself into every challenge this week, striving to better his best and apply advice from others to improve. Super effort, Darnel!

    Ravens: Neve - All learning behaviours

    Neve never gives up. She has improved in all areas and she is always helpful and polite. What a star!

    Sport Cup: Daisy - Don't give up

    Daisy is a lovely, kind member of Elephants class. She always tries her hardest and shows great determination in all things. She has grown in confidence in PE and put together a sequence of shapes in gymnastics. Keep up the good work!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 08 Mar 2019

    Tiger Cubs: Abigail - Respect yourself and others / Work hard and concentrate

    Abigail is now constantly thinking about her actions. She is a kind, thoughtful and caring member of the Tiger cub team. She has also practised lots and is amazing us daily with her reading skills. Well done!

    Elephants: Leo - Don't give up

    Leo always tries his very best . He listens more, learns from mistakes and shows determination in all that he does. Well done, Leo!

    Dolphins: Emily - Work hard and concentrate

    An impressive 'Big Write', Emily. You worked so hard to include time connectives and conjunctions in your Traction Man story. Well done!

    Swans: Charlie - Work hard and concentrate

    Charlie has really pushed himself this week, working in the challenge zone and continually has a positive attitude towards learning.

    Giraffes: Oliver - Improve

    Oliver has been working hard when editing and improving his creative writing and is reading more frequently. Keep it up!

    Doves: Elijah - Work hard and concentrate

    Elijah has really striven to put in the hours this week, making the most of very minute during independent work and getting immersed in his really exciting books at home. Well done!

    Ravens: Summer - All learning behaviours

    Summer has really stuck at her maths this week, she has used her imagination in her writing and she has come into class early every day to help put out books. What a week!

    Sport Cup: Joe - Respect yourself and others

    Joe showed great teamwork in football this week and impressed his classmates with his skills. Well done!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 01 Mar 2019

    Tiger Cubs: Delilah - Work hard and concentrate

    Delilah loved bringing in an encyclopaedia and sharing it with Tiger cub class. She even wrote lots of facts to share. Great learning Delilah!

    Elephants: Emily - Try new things

    Emily continues to impress us, she enjoys having a go and will always try her best. She has really challenged herself this week and produced some amazing work!

    Dolphins: Charlie - Work hard and concentrate

    Charlie works so very hard at his weekly spellings, both at home and at school. Well done, Charlie. Keep it up!

    Swans: Charlie - Improve

    Charlie has shone this week, improving both his presentation and attitude to learning. Keep it up!

    Giraffes: Lincoln - Imagine

    Lincoln has been asking excellent questions this week in Geography and showed great enthusiasm in researching the events in Pompeii. Great work, Lincoln!

    Doves: Bella - Respect yourself and others

    Bella is such a supportive member of the class, always searching for opportunities to challenge her thinking and explain things to others.

    Ravens: Abigail - Improve

    Abi did her best to solve a maths mastery problem. She avoided rushing and demonstrated the problems' solution to the whole class.

    Sport Cup: Isaac - Respect yourself and others

    Isaac showed good self-control when using bench apparatus in PE this week. He worked with others in his class to use the space and equipment safely. Well done!


