
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 31 Mar 2023

    Caterpillars: Maisie - Don't give up

    Maisie was incredible in our Easter Enterprise event. She was an amazing salesperson, we are all very proud of her!

    Seahorses: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    We have all been so impressed with how hard working and creative Seahorse Class were with their Easter Enterprise 'under the sea' cafe. You served, showed respect and worked your socks off!

    Wolves: Bella - Respect yourself and others

    Well done Bella for being so kind and caring to your classmates. You always show patience and empathy, an amazing member of the 'wolf pack'.

    Lions: Betty - All learning behaviours

    Betty's confidence has rocketed recently and she puts 100% effort into all she does. Keep it up!

    Dolphins: Lauren - Work hard and concentrate

    Lauren has really improved the level of effort put into each and every piece of work. We were especially impressed with her letter to the King!

    Owls: Lilly - Imagine / Respect yourself and others

    Lilly has worked really hard this week to think of creative ideas to promote our Easter Enterprise event. Welcoming all visitors with a smile. Well done!

    Butterflies: Miley - Don't give up

    Miley is showing such perseverance and resilience in maths, rising to challenges that she wouldn't have attempted even a fortnight ago!

    Sport Cup: Hannah - Don't give up

    Hannah took part in the Cross-Country regional finals, getting through 2 previous rounds and finished 27th from 104 children. An amazing achievement. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Rowan - Don't give up

    Rowan took part in the Cross-Country regional finals, getting through 2 previous rounds and finished 27th from 104 children. An amazing achievement. Well done!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 24 Mar 2023

    Caterpillars: Mabel - All learning behaviours

    Mabel is a bright and shiny star! She always displays the school's learning behaviours and is keen to give 100% in all she does. Keep up the hard work!

    Seahorses: Thomas - Respect yourself and others

    Thomas is really trying hard with all of his learning. He is focussing on his handwriting and trying so hard with his spellings each week.

    Wolves: Callum - Respect yourself and others

    Well done for making great choices this week. You have shown great respect for yourself and have modelled to others the importance of being honest.

    Lions: Oliver - Improve

    Oliver has been working to improve his presentation this week - particularly in maths. He has listened well to feedback and it has paid off!

    Dolphins: Whole class - All learning behaviours

    You have amazed the whole school with your outstanding efforts to make the production of 'Olivia' such a success. Well done!

    Owls: Ruby-Leigh - Try new things

    Ruby has taken multiple opportunities to get involved and try new things this week. She particularly impressed us with her bravery to read aloud in our church Service. Well done!

    Butterflies: Eloise - Improve

    Eloise really applied herself and persevered with some challenging grammar work this week. You've cracked the subjunctive form. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Mason - Try new things

    This term, Mason has thrown himself into PE and accepted every challenge, working hard on his overarm throw and grip. Well done!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 17 Mar 2023

    Caterpillars: Logan - Don't give up

    Logan has been working so hard to practice writing CVC words and he has practiced enough to finally crack it! We are so proud of all your hard work!

    Seahorses: Avia - Work hard and concentrate

    Avia is always ready for learning, she is enthusiastic with our topics and asks questions to further her own learning. Well done!

    Wolves: Parker - All learning behaviours

    Parker is a kind and considerate member of Wolves class. He always makes the right choices and sets a great example for his classmates. He tries his best all the time and is a joy to read.

    Lions: Hunter - Don't give up

    Hunter has shown great resilience when working independently on word problems in maths. Well done!

    Dolphins: Sebatian - All learning behaviours

    Seb has shown amazing supportive attitude and self-respect by stepping in and covering a role in the production at short notice, as well as his own part. Well done!

    Owls: Emily - Don't give up / Work hard and concentrate

    Emily has impressed us with her determination to dig deep in maths. She has worked hard to improve her confidence and applied herself to all tasks. Well done!

    Butterflies: Nila - Work hard and concentrate

    Nila turns her hand quietly to every piece of work and is approaching challenges with greater resilience day by day!

    Sport Cup: Archie - Improve

    Archie has shown excellent team work skills this half term during our cricket lessons. Archie is always willing to give 100% and ask questions during his lessons to better his learning. Well done!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 10 Mar 2023

    Caterpillars: Henry - Improve

    Henry has made such improvements with his pencil grip and has been working so hard on his letter formation. Keep up the amazing work!

    Seahorses: Olivia - Work hard and concentrate

    Olivia always gives her best in every lesson. She has great ideas and is always keen to share them in class.

    Wolves: Harry - Respect yourself and others

    Harry always shows respect towards everyone he meets in school. He is polite and considerate when working with others and is a great role-model for all our learning behaviours. Keep shining!

    Lions: Ezrah - All learning behaviours

    Ezrah has worked so hard this week, made great choices and tried his very best with everything we have done. Keep it up, Ezrah!

    Dolphins: Stanley - Try new things / Respect yourself and others

    Stanley has tried so hard to push himself out of his comfort zone this week with his solo in our production. Super job!

    Owls: Elissa - All learning behaviours

    Elissa is an excellent role-model in Owl class. She always gives 100% to her work and goes the extra mile to support others. Well done!

    Butterflies: Heath - Improve

    Heath is approaching his learning with more and more perseverance and resilience each and every day - and his smile is growing at the same time! Well done!

    Sport Cup: Hannah - Work hard and concentrate

    Hannah throws her hand at any task given in PE, always giving 100% and shows amazing resilience and great sportsmanship. Well done!


  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 03 Mar 2023

    Caterpillars: Jacob - Don't give up

    It's lovely to see just how much progress Jacob has made. His confidence is blossoming and he strives to shine brightly. Well done!

    Seahorses: Thomas - Try new things

    Thomas has really challenged himself this week, choosing activities that put him in the challenge zone. He has shown himself just what he can achieve. Well done!

    Wolves: Emily - All learning behaviours

    Emily always shows all of the learning behaviours around school. She is great at being a role-model for others and applies 100% effort to all tasks. Well done!

    Lions: Jacob - Improve

    Jacob has been using his skills in maths to help others on his table and guiding them when they find something tricky. Well done!

    Dolphins: Rosie - Don't give up

    Rosie is trying really hard, showing great resilience and undertaking some challenging maths. Well done!

    Owls: Tom - Try new things

    Tom has made brave choices with his learning this week, choosing challenging problems and taking opportunities to read aloud to the class. Well done!

    Butterflies: Safia - Improve

    Safia is really reflecting upon areas for improvement and working so hard at these. You're flying Safia!

    Sport Cup: Clara - Work hard and concentrate

    Clara always shows how to be a great friend, always shares and is a fantastic role-model to her peers. Well done!
