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C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 30 Sep 2016

    Caterpillars: Evelyn - Work hard and concentrate/Imagine

    Evelyn really enjoys her learning. During a child-led performance of Goldilocks and the three bears, she played 'Baby Bear' brilliantly. What an imaginative challenge.

    Bats: Avya - Respect yourself and others

    Avya has demonstrated that she is an exceptional role-model in Bats class. She is patient when working with others and is reflecting on her learning to improve.

    Honey Bees: Emily - Work hard and concentrate

    Emily always concentrates and works hard in all subjects. She has produced amazing maths work this week and is a super role-model to her peers.

    Huskies: Jodie - Respect yourself and others

    Jodie works hard to be helpful to others. She is kind and thoughtful and strives to improve her own work and that of others. A helpful Husky, well done!

    Otters: Ben - Work hard and concentrate

    Ben has shown himself to be a polite and helpful Otter for Mrs Root this week. He has listened very well and been ready to work hard.

    Koalas: Erin - Don't give up

    Erin has shown super determination in maths this week. She has been working hard to compare fractions and solve some tricky problems. Erin always listens carefully and puts so much effort into her work. Well done!

    Panthers: Alesha - Don't give up/Work hard and concentrate

    Alesha has worked her socks off in class. She has really focussed in al lessons and she has been a pleasure to teach.

    Sports Cup Winner: Rhys - Work hard and concentrate

    Well done Rhys for concentrating, getting involved and showing real interest in PE.

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 23 Sep 2016

    Caterpillars: Jaidyn - Work hard and concentrate

    Jaidyn enjoys her learning and loves to work with others. She helps others when she can and is a very kind caterpillar.

    Bats: Charlie - Imagine

    Charlie always has plenty of ideas and his knowledge of bats was second to none for topic work this week. Keep it up Charlie!

    Honey Bees: Emily - Improve

    Emily persevered with her writing. She worked so hard to improve it within literacy sessions this week. Well done, keep it up, Emily!

    Huskies: Dennis - Work hard and concentrate

    Dennis always gives his best. He concentrates well and is ready to learn in all lessons. A great role model. Well done!

    Otters: Ruby - Improve

    Ruby has persevered and worked incredibly hard this week to conquer Maths. Well done for sticking at it, Ruby. Your effort has been rewarded.

    Koalas: Amy - Try new things

    Amy has really tried hard to contribute more in whole lass sessions, sharing her thoughts and ideas. Amy is a great role model for hard work and effort.

    Panthers: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    You demonstrated all of our learning behaviours during our trip to PGL. You were an absolute pleasure to take away.

    Sports Cup: Jack - All Learning Behaviours

    Congratulations Jack, for demonstrating all our school values, especially using his imagination during a dance session in PE, thinking creatively and applying past knowledge. What a superstar Jack, keep up the good work!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Mon 19 Sep 2016

    Caterpillars: Isabelle - Don't give up

    Isabelle has practised getting changed at home over the summer holiday. She managed to get changed for P.E and fold her clothes and then change back into her school clothes, independently!

    Bats: Darcy - Work hard and concentrate

    Darcy has shown already, she is very focused in class. She enjoys her learning and is keen to challenge herself in reading and maths. Great work Darcy!

    Honey Bees; Lily - Don't give up

    Lily has shown great determination in maths, ordering numbers. She kept going and did not give up until she had finished all her work. We are so proud of you! 

    Huskies: Corbyn - Work hard and concentrate

    Corbyn has impressed us this week for his enthusiasm to make the right choices. He has worked brilliantly in a team and stayed focused on the tasks he has been given. Fantastic Corbyn, keep it up!

    Otters: Mateusz - Respect yourself and others

    Mateusz has been incredibly supportive to other children in our class this week, working with them to develop their ideas and improve their working.

    Koalas: Ashleigh - Work hard and concentrate

    Ashleigh is an excellent role model to the class. She always settles down and works incredibly hard. Her sensible attitude means that this week she has completed work to be really proud of. Well done!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 09 Sep 2016

    Caterpillars: Reily - Try new things

    Reily has been fantastic at having a go this week. He loves to choose a challenge and is great at tidying away!

    Bats: Kayden - Try new things

    Kayden has thoroughly embraced life in year 1. He is keen to challenge himself across his learning and displays a wonderful enthusuiasm for school.

    Honey Bees: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

    Jack has focused on his work this week, showing great concentration. Keep up this attitude, Jack!

    Huskies: Lila - Don't give up

    Lila persevered with her work on ruby red words and although she found it tricky , she kept going and came up with her own suggestions on how to improve. Well done Lila. Keep it up!

    Otters: Harry - Work hard and concentrate

    Harry has really shone during his first week in Otters and impressed us all with his work. Well done Harry!

    Koalas: Lottie - Try new things

    Lottie has settled so well into year 5. I have been so impressed with how quickly she has made lots of new friends. Super effort and perseverance with your work too Lottie, well done!

    Panthers: Keira - Work hard and concentrate

    Keira has really focussed on her maths and written work. She has really put in the extra effort needed. Well done!
