
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 25 Mar 2022

    Ants: Jack - Don't give up

    Jack has shown determination to improve all aspects of his learning. Great work, your persistence has made such a difference!

    Giraffes: Willow - All learning behaviours

    Willow has such a wonderful attitude towards her learning and is a great role model for Giraffe class. Willow, you are such a great example of how to live by our learning behaviours and a pleasure to teach!

    Otters: Logan - Improve

    Logan has been impressing us with his perseverance in reading and writing. Well done, Logan!

    Hummingbirds: Hazel - Don't give up

    Hazel, you have shown real persistence this week with both your maths problem solving and your writing. Great focus, resilience and determination. Well done!

    Foxes: Eddie - Improve

    Eddie has shown such an improvement in his attitude towards his learning. He has also been helpful and supportive to others, giving advice in Maths. Well done!

    Chipmunks: Eloise - All learning behaviours

    Eloise has enjoyed getting involved in all areas of learning this week. She has put lots of effort into every class discussion and persevered with her reading book. Well done!

    Fireflies: Emily - Improve / Respect yourself and others

    It has been a joy to see Emily believing in herself and leaping out of her comfort zone this week, surprising herself with what she has achieved. You are a superstar!

    Sport Cup: Year 2

    Year 2 worked great together, working on their target and football skills. Well done!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 18 Mar 2022

    Ants: Benjamin - All learning behaviours

    Ben is a shining star within 'Ant Class'. A kind and caring friend, a hard worker who tries his best and a fabulous role-model. He has impressed us all with his improvements with phonics too!

    Giraffes: Araminta - Work hard and concentrate

    Minty has been striving for accuracy in all areas of her learning. She has been determined, not giving up on challenges. She has also gone above and beyond with her independent writing, well done!

    Otters: Beau - Try new things

    Beau has made us so proud this week by coming out of her comfort zone, challenging herself and being brave! Well done, keep it up!

    Hummingbirds: Rowan - All learning behaviours

    Rowan consistently models St. Andrew's learning behaviours, making sensible decisions every day and her kind heart is seen by all in the class!

    Foxes: Eva - Try new things

    Eva took part in the Sunday Essex Schools Maths contest, she logged on every day last week and came 2nd out of all the children who took part. Amazing, well done!

    Chipmunks: Nila - Work hard and concentrate

    Nila has put in lots of hours to extend her learning. She has been practising new skills at home and has shown great enjoyment in her learning. Well done!

    Fireflies: Isabel - Work hard and concentrate

    Issy has returned to school with a zest for learning. It has been a pleasure to see her so motivated with all aspects of her school work. Well done, Issy!

    Sport Cup: George - Respect yourself and others

    George was great in PE this week, he improved his hoop skills and worked well with a partner. Keep it up!





  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 11 Mar 2022

    Ants: Ava - Improve

    Ava has blown me away this week with her super reading. She has made fantastic progress since half-term as a result of efforts at home and in school. Keep it up, Ava!

    Giraffes: Willis - Work hard and concentrate

    Willis always sets an outstanding example to his classmates by working hard but this week his concentration has been amazing too! He has produced some great writing, his confidence is soaring and this has resulted in lots of big smiles!

    Otters: Mark - Try new things

    Mark really impressed us all with his acting and characterisation during dance this week. He enjoyed taking part and threw himself into his character with gusto. Well done!

    Hummingbirds: Zachariah - Respect yourself and others / Work hard and concentrate

    Zach has been very kind to other children, sharing things and comforting them if feeling upset. He has also tried his best in Hummingbirds, making super progress!

    Foxes: Daisy - Work hard and concentrate

    Despite being at home, Daisy has impressed us all. She produced work of a high standard and put in 100% effort. Well done!

    Chipmunks: Katie - Improve / Try new things

    Katie has taken every opportunity to engage this week. She has chosen challenging problems and approached them systematically. Well done, Katie!

    Fireflies: Rhys - Work hard and concentrate

    Rhys has really applied himself to his learning across the curriculum this week, really striving to improve in Maths and English, as well as showing great curiosity during our WWII visit!

    Sport Cup: Leonardo - Work hard and concentrate

    Leo worked really hard on his throwing and catching skills this week in PE. Great work, Leo!


  • Headteacher's

    Fri 04 Mar 2022

    Ants: Mya - Respect yourself and others

    Mya is a kind and caring member of the class. She is always there for others, sharing toys and supporting people when they are hurt. She is a brilliant role-model in Ants class.

    Giraffes: Frankie - Work hard and concentrate

    Frankie's learning has excelled this week. His independence, focus and determination to challenge himself has been outstanding, especially in Maths. We are so proud of you!

    Otters: Ava - Don't give up

    Ava's growth mindset has flourished beautifully this week as she has developed a positive attitude towards all areas of her learning. Well done!

    Hummingbirds: Darcy - Work hard and concentrate

    Darcy is taking positive steps forward to be the best he can be by concentrating well, helping others and making fantastic contributions in English. Wow!

    Foxes: Elizabeth - Improve

    Lizzie has made a real effort with her handwriting and presentation. Also, with her reading both at home and at school. Keep up the hard work!

    Chipmunks: Teagan - Try new things

    Teagan has made excellent contributions in Chipmunk class this week. She has been really brave and has participated well in class discussions. Well done!

    Fireflies: Connie - Improve

    Connie is putting her heart and soul into improving her accuracy and fluency in arithmetic and is growing in confidence every day as a result.

    Sport Cup: Delilah - Work hard and concentrate

    Delilah was fantastic during World Book Day dance, using facial expressions and great skills as Mary Poppins. Well done!



