
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Ants: Mya - Respect yourself and others

Mya is a kind and caring member of the class. She is always there for others, sharing toys and supporting people when they are hurt. She is a brilliant role-model in Ants class.

Giraffes: Frankie - Work hard and concentrate

Frankie's learning has excelled this week. His independence, focus and determination to challenge himself has been outstanding, especially in Maths. We are so proud of you!

Otters: Ava - Don't give up

Ava's growth mindset has flourished beautifully this week as she has developed a positive attitude towards all areas of her learning. Well done!

Hummingbirds: Darcy - Work hard and concentrate

Darcy is taking positive steps forward to be the best he can be by concentrating well, helping others and making fantastic contributions in English. Wow!

Foxes: Elizabeth - Improve

Lizzie has made a real effort with her handwriting and presentation. Also, with her reading both at home and at school. Keep up the hard work!

Chipmunks: Teagan - Try new things

Teagan has made excellent contributions in Chipmunk class this week. She has been really brave and has participated well in class discussions. Well done!

Fireflies: Connie - Improve

Connie is putting her heart and soul into improving her accuracy and fluency in arithmetic and is growing in confidence every day as a result.

Sport Cup: Delilah - Work hard and concentrate

Delilah was fantastic during World Book Day dance, using facial expressions and great skills as Mary Poppins. Well done!



