Ants: Ava - Improve
Ava has blown me away this week with her super reading. She has made fantastic progress since half-term as a result of efforts at home and in school. Keep it up, Ava!
Giraffes: Willis - Work hard and concentrate
Willis always sets an outstanding example to his classmates by working hard but this week his concentration has been amazing too! He has produced some great writing, his confidence is soaring and this has resulted in lots of big smiles!
Otters: Mark - Try new things
Mark really impressed us all with his acting and characterisation during dance this week. He enjoyed taking part and threw himself into his character with gusto. Well done!
Hummingbirds: Zachariah - Respect yourself and others / Work hard and concentrate
Zach has been very kind to other children, sharing things and comforting them if feeling upset. He has also tried his best in Hummingbirds, making super progress!
Foxes: Daisy - Work hard and concentrate
Despite being at home, Daisy has impressed us all. She produced work of a high standard and put in 100% effort. Well done!
Chipmunks: Katie - Improve / Try new things
Katie has taken every opportunity to engage this week. She has chosen challenging problems and approached them systematically. Well done, Katie!
Fireflies: Rhys - Work hard and concentrate
Rhys has really applied himself to his learning across the curriculum this week, really striving to improve in Maths and English, as well as showing great curiosity during our WWII visit!
Sport Cup: Leonardo - Work hard and concentrate
Leo worked really hard on his throwing and catching skills this week in PE. Great work, Leo!