Ants: Jack - Don't give up
Jack has shown determination to improve all aspects of his learning. Great work, your persistence has made such a difference!
Giraffes: Willow - All learning behaviours
Willow has such a wonderful attitude towards her learning and is a great role model for Giraffe class. Willow, you are such a great example of how to live by our learning behaviours and a pleasure to teach!
Otters: Logan - Improve
Logan has been impressing us with his perseverance in reading and writing. Well done, Logan!
Hummingbirds: Hazel - Don't give up
Hazel, you have shown real persistence this week with both your maths problem solving and your writing. Great focus, resilience and determination. Well done!
Foxes: Eddie - Improve
Eddie has shown such an improvement in his attitude towards his learning. He has also been helpful and supportive to others, giving advice in Maths. Well done!
Chipmunks: Eloise - All learning behaviours
Eloise has enjoyed getting involved in all areas of learning this week. She has put lots of effort into every class discussion and persevered with her reading book. Well done!
Fireflies: Emily - Improve / Respect yourself and others
It has been a joy to see Emily believing in herself and leaping out of her comfort zone this week, surprising herself with what she has achieved. You are a superstar!
Sport Cup: Year 2
Year 2 worked great together, working on their target and football skills. Well done!