
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 30 Jun 2023

    Caterpillars: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others

    Well done Caterpillars for a wonderful trip down to Halstead Library. You represented the school so well!

    Seahorses: Henry - All learning behaviours

    Henry demonstrates all of our learning behaviours every day. He works hard, respects himself and strives to be the best he can. What a super seahorse!

    Wolves: Phoebe - Respect yourself and others

    Phoebe has shown that she is a great role-model especially to our younger members of the school. She listens well and speaks to everyone with respect. Great job!

    Lions: Eva - Respect yourself and others

    We have all noticed Eva being extremely kind and helpful towards others in her class this week. Especially in maths, when she noticed others who found it tricky. Well done!

    Dolphins: Aimee - Respect yourself and others

    Aimee's always supportive of another class member, but has really excelled in supporting another child who was finding maths a bit tricky, she made a worksheet for her and helped her complete it. Such an amazing attitude!

    Owls: Eddie - Improve

    Eddie has approached this half-term with a positive attitude, focusing on his behaviour choices and showing determination to improve. Well done!

    Butterflies: Eddie - Imagine

    Eddie has brought such imagination and creative energy to our production, from his hand-made mask to his characterisation. Well done and thank you!

    Sport Cup: All of Year 6 - All learning behaviours

    All the children in Year 6 came together as a team and helped make sports day a success. The Year 6 Children worked incredibly hard throughout the day to ensure races were ready to start and the equipment was all set up. Well done and thank you!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Tue 27 Jun 2023

    Caterpillars: Ethan - All learning behaviours

    Ethan exemplifies all of the school's learning behaviours. Always displaying a wonderful working attitude and respect for others. Keep shining brightly!

    Seahorses: Leon - Try new things

    Leon has had a great first week at St. Andrew's, he has settled so well. He has also showed enthusiasm and motivation for the curriculum. Well done!

    Wolves: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    Well done Wolves for a fantastic Sports Day. You worked well in your teams and showed respect to others, enthusiastically cheering on your house members. Well done!

    Lions: Logan - Respect yourself and others

    Logan was supportive, kind and showed empathy towards other children on Sports Day. He was also extremely mature in helping others deal with the highs and lows of competition. Well done!

    Dolphins: Evie - Work hard and concentrate

    Evie has worked so hard, pushing herself to learn her times-tables and getting her highest score ever!

    Owl Class: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others

    Owl class showed great sportsmanship on Sports Day, helping others in different houses and year groups. Well done!

    Butterflies: Max - Improve

    It has been wonderful to watch Max really coming into his own this year, at work and at play. You have come so far!

    Sport Cup: Jacob - Try new things

    Jacob always gives 100% to all his PE lessons and tries his hardest at every activity he takes part in. Well done!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 16 Jun 2023

    Caterpillars: Grayson - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

    Grayson has been working so hard on his writing recently. He is applying new skills he has learnt and is showing excellent working attitude. Keep it up!

    Seahorses: Liliana - Don't give up

    Liliana has wowed us this week with her determination, focus and concentration. We are so proud of you!

    Wolves: Phoebe - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

    Phoebe always shares lots of ideas during our class discussions. She is enthusiastic about learning new things and asks great questions to improve her understanding.

    Lions: Monty - Imagine

    Monty showed some great higher level thinking in R.E. this week; asking excellent questions and contributing well-thought points to class discussions. Well done!

    Dolphins: Delilah - All learning behaviours

    Delilah has excelled herself with her contributions made during class discussions, shared writes and song lyric creation task. Such a talented young author. Well done!

    Owls: Matipa - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

    Matipa has worked hard to apply past knowledge and make small steps in her learning, showing super resilience and determination, particularly in maths. Well done!

    Butterflies: Emmie - Work hard and concentrate

    Emmie has been participating in our singing rehearsals with such enthusiasm and practising at home. What a positive musical role-model. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Landon - Try new things

    Landon has shown excellent resilience and determination this term when learning new skills. Landon is always kind and thinks of others when playing team games. Well done!

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 09 Jun 2023

    Caterpillars: Lonie - Respect yourself and others

    Lonie has displayed a wonderful working attitude. He has worked hard to keep our classroom tidy. he has also done some super spelling in his R.W.Inc. group. Well done!

    Seahorses: Erin - Work hard and concentrate

    Erin has returned back to school with a great attitude towards her learning. She has remained determined and focused. Well done!

    Wolves: Miles - Work hard and concentrate

    Miles has been extremely focused in class and has given his best in all areas, he has listened to advice on improving. Well done!

    Lions: Jessie - Improve / Don't give up

    Jessie has gone the 'extra mile' in maths this week; asking excellent questions to strengthen her understanding and even finished tasks in her own time. Keep it up!

    Dolphins: Arna - All learning behaviours

    Arna has shown great maturity in her learning and attitude towards school over the last half term as she prepares for year 5. Well done!

    Owls: Emil - Imagine

    Emil has worked really hard on his character voices when reading aloud - we have all been impressed by your imaginative tone. Well done!

    Butterflies: Laiton - Improve

    You wouldn't know Laiton's writing was from the same child as that seen in September - he has made astonishing progress. This is the result of such effort to improve. Well done!

    Sport Cup: Ivy - Work hard and concentrate

    Ivy always shows excellent listening skills and tries her best in every lesson. Ivy is also a kind and thoughtful friend, sharing equipment and thinking of others. well done!

