
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Lonie - Respect yourself and others

Lonie has displayed a wonderful working attitude. He has worked hard to keep our classroom tidy. he has also done some super spelling in his R.W.Inc. group. Well done!

Seahorses: Erin - Work hard and concentrate

Erin has returned back to school with a great attitude towards her learning. She has remained determined and focused. Well done!

Wolves: Miles - Work hard and concentrate

Miles has been extremely focused in class and has given his best in all areas, he has listened to advice on improving. Well done!

Lions: Jessie - Improve / Don't give up

Jessie has gone the 'extra mile' in maths this week; asking excellent questions to strengthen her understanding and even finished tasks in her own time. Keep it up!

Dolphins: Arna - All learning behaviours

Arna has shown great maturity in her learning and attitude towards school over the last half term as she prepares for year 5. Well done!

Owls: Emil - Imagine

Emil has worked really hard on his character voices when reading aloud - we have all been impressed by your imaginative tone. Well done!

Butterflies: Laiton - Improve

You wouldn't know Laiton's writing was from the same child as that seen in September - he has made astonishing progress. This is the result of such effort to improve. Well done!

Sport Cup: Ivy - Work hard and concentrate

Ivy always shows excellent listening skills and tries her best in every lesson. Ivy is also a kind and thoughtful friend, sharing equipment and thinking of others. well done!

