
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 26 Mar 2021

    Zebras: Isabella - Respect yourself and others

    It has been such a joy to see Bella's confidence and independence grow as she has formed new friendships over the past few weeks

    Chameleons: Max - Work hard and concentrate

    We are so proud of Max's determination and focus in RWI this week. He has challenged himself to remember old and new sounds! Well done!

    Red Pandas: All learning behaviours

    Mason has returned to school and thrown himself into his learning. He is always focussed and tries his best. Well done!

    King Cobras: Archie - All learning behaviours

    Archie has demonstrated all the learning behaviours this week. He has impressed us all by helping others improve and he has blown us away with his excellent maths work. Keep it up!

    Polar Bears: Maxwell - Work hard and concentrate / Don't give up

    In the last few weeks, Max has shown much more determination in his creative writing. This week's 'Special Write' was truly fantastic. Max, remember you can do it!

    Koalas: Rhys - Improve

    Rhys has worked really hard on his presentation and descriptive writing, keep it up!

    Mountain Goats: Neha - Work hard and concentrate

    Neha impressed us all with the 'double bubble' diagram she created at home to compare natural selection and selective breeding. Well done for putting in the hours, Neha!

    Sport Cup: Jake - Work hard and concentrate

    Jake showed fantastic stamina and determination during the fitness test this week. Great work, Jake. Well done!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 19 Mar 2021

    Zebras: Willis - All learning behaviours

    Willis is a shining example for his friends. He listens carefully, challenges himself in his learning and he is kind and encouraging to others. Willis, you are amazing!

    Chameleons: Layla - All learning behaviours

    Layla is an excellent member of Chameleon class, setting an outstanding example to her peers. She completes every challenge with a smile. What a superstar!

    Red Pandas: Rosie - Respect yourself and others

    Rosie is an excellent role-model to the Red Panda class. She listens well, helps others and is always respectful. Well done, Rosie!

    King Cobras: Eva - Work hard and concentrate

    Eva has made excellent efforts with her maths - she pushes herself to complete the most difficult challenges and demonstrates great reasoning skills.

    Polar Bears: Emmie - Don't give up / Work hard and concentrate

    Its been lovely to see Emmie's sparky personality and determination once again this week. Keep up the 'I can do it' attitude - its great to see!

    Koalas: Leo - All learning behaviours

    Leo always works so hard to challenge himself. He contributes so much to our discussions and should feel proud of his efforts in all of our learning behaviours. Well done!

    Mountain Goats: Louis - Work hard and concentrate

    Louis' hard work throughout lockdown has continued to shine through and through this week and he is achieving so much to be proud of. Well done, Louis!

    Sport Cup: Eva - Respect yourself and others

    Eva did amazingly well in her Red Nose tennis challenge as well as creating an exciting warm up in PE. Well done!



  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 12 Mar 2021

    Zebras: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

    Zebras have wowed us with how brilliantly they have settled back into school. They have demonstrated all of St Andrew's learning behaviours. We are so proud of you all!

    Chameleons: Agnes - All learning behaviours

    Agnes has come back to school with a huge smile on her face. She has tried her best in every lesson and challenged herself. She has been a wonderful working partner as well. Well done!

    Red Pandas: Harrison - Improve

    Harrison has returned to school full of enthusiasm and motivation. He always tries his hardest and listens to ways to improve! Well done!

    King Cobras: Whole class - Work hard and concentrate

    King Cobras have worked so hard this week. They have impressed us all since their return, demonstrating our learning behaviours. Well Done!

    Polar Bears: Will - Work hard and concentrate

    Will has returned to school with such an amazing attitude! He gives 100% and is always kind to others.

    Koalas: Ayva - Improve

    Ayva wrote a fantastic letter full of positivity and kindness during English. Well done!

    Mountain Goats: Erin - Work hard and concentrate

    Erin has hit the ground running back in school this week, throwing herself into every challenge with a positive attitude and a smile!

    Sport Cup: Katie - Improve

    Katie worked really hard this week in PE improving her footwork and co-ordination. Well done!




  • Headteacher's Cup Winners

    Fri 05 Mar 2021

    Zebras: Beau - Try new things

    Beau has 'wowed' us this week with her determination and positivity when joining our class. she has contributed within teams sessions and completed independent challenges within school. Well done!

    Chameleons: Beau - Work hard and concentrate

    Beau, you have worked so hard during home learning and sharing his great thoughts and ideas has been part of every day!! We are so proud of your efforts and new levels of confidence. You star!

    Red Pandas: Whole class - All Learning behaviours

    Red Pandas you have amazed us with your resilience, positivity and enthusiasm during this time of remote learning whether that has been at home or school, thank you, each and every one of you!

    King Cobras: Emily - Work hard and concentrate

    Excellent work in English, Emily! Your diary and descriptive writing were really impressive. Emily always looks for exciting new adjectives to improve her work. Well done!

    Polar Bears: Luisa - Work hard and concentrate

    Luisa has always listened attentively during remote lessons in Teams. She always aims high and aspires to do her very best in every challenge. Luisa is a reflective learner who reliably explains her thinking clearly, which really supports others. Well done!

    Koalas: Whole class - All learning behaviours

    Koala class have blown us away with their online learning and demonstrated St Andrew's learning behaviours! They have worked hard and brought a smile to our faces. Well done!

    Mountain Goats: Larry - Don't give up

    Larry has shown constant determination to become more confident asking for support during Teams sessions and to improve his understanding across the curriculum. We are so proud of you, Larry!

