
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Zebras: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

Zebras have wowed us with how brilliantly they have settled back into school. They have demonstrated all of St Andrew's learning behaviours. We are so proud of you all!

Chameleons: Agnes - All learning behaviours

Agnes has come back to school with a huge smile on her face. She has tried her best in every lesson and challenged herself. She has been a wonderful working partner as well. Well done!

Red Pandas: Harrison - Improve

Harrison has returned to school full of enthusiasm and motivation. He always tries his hardest and listens to ways to improve! Well done!

King Cobras: Whole class - Work hard and concentrate

King Cobras have worked so hard this week. They have impressed us all since their return, demonstrating our learning behaviours. Well Done!

Polar Bears: Will - Work hard and concentrate

Will has returned to school with such an amazing attitude! He gives 100% and is always kind to others.

Koalas: Ayva - Improve

Ayva wrote a fantastic letter full of positivity and kindness during English. Well done!

Mountain Goats: Erin - Work hard and concentrate

Erin has hit the ground running back in school this week, throwing herself into every challenge with a positive attitude and a smile!

Sport Cup: Katie - Improve

Katie worked really hard this week in PE improving her footwork and co-ordination. Well done!



