Caterpillars: Henry - Improve
Henry has made such improvements with his pencil grip and has been working so hard on his letter formation. Keep up the amazing work!
Seahorses: Olivia - Work hard and concentrate
Olivia always gives her best in every lesson. She has great ideas and is always keen to share them in class.
Wolves: Harry - Respect yourself and others
Harry always shows respect towards everyone he meets in school. He is polite and considerate when working with others and is a great role-model for all our learning behaviours. Keep shining!
Lions: Ezrah - All learning behaviours
Ezrah has worked so hard this week, made great choices and tried his very best with everything we have done. Keep it up, Ezrah!
Dolphins: Stanley - Try new things / Respect yourself and others
Stanley has tried so hard to push himself out of his comfort zone this week with his solo in our production. Super job!
Owls: Elissa - All learning behaviours
Elissa is an excellent role-model in Owl class. She always gives 100% to her work and goes the extra mile to support others. Well done!
Butterflies: Heath - Improve
Heath is approaching his learning with more and more perseverance and resilience each and every day - and his smile is growing at the same time! Well done!
Sport Cup: Hannah - Work hard and concentrate
Hannah throws her hand at any task given in PE, always giving 100% and shows amazing resilience and great sportsmanship. Well done!