
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Layla - Improve

Layla drew an amazing Allosaurus this week, she even labelled it, doing a brilliant job of sounding out and writing. Well done!

Owls: Arlo - Improve

Arlo is improving with his learning every day. He is trying so hard when presenting his work and showing huge improvement. Keep it up!

Leopards: Tom - Try new things

During our Forest School session, Tom looked for opportunities to further his inquisitiveness, finding lots of interesting things... when you see Tom, ask him what he discovered!

Wolves: Reily - Improve

Reily produced a fantastic 'Big Write' this week and worked hard when focussing on his targets. Keep it up!

Meerkats: George - All learning behaviours

George has been a wonderful Meerkat this week, following all the learning behaviours. Especially striving to improve accuracy and precision with his 'Big Write'.

Narwhals: Erin - Work hard and concentrate

Erin has impressed us all with her enthusiasm and energy across the curriculum this week. It's wonderful to see you immersed in your learning with a smile.

Squirrels: Dennis - Work hard and concentrate

Dennis is an example to ALL Squirrels, he always focusses on learning and has especially impressed us with his rapid times tables recall. Well done!

Sport Cup: Meerkats - Work hard and concentrate

Meerkats really impressed this week, getting changed quickly and quietly, as well as working hard during their netball session. Well done!


