
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Logan - Improve

During a game of 'Monster Muddle', Logan waited patiently for his turn, then persevered with his counting, striving to improve. Well done!

Owls: Whole class  - All learning behaviours

It was a real pleasure to take Owls class to Colchester zoo this week. They were so well behaved and wowed us with their anima knowledge during the explore workshop. Well done!

Leopards: Kacie - Try new things

What a fabulous start to school life at St. Andrew's! Leopard class are so happy to have you join them!

Wolves: Isabelle - All learning behaviours

Isabelle always gives 100% effort to every lesson and challenges herself all the time. She is a shining example to the rest of the class. Keep it up!

Meerkats: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

Jack has been persevering with handwriting, focussing on neat joined writing and producing outstanding presentation.

Narwhals: Oliver - Improve

Oliver has shown such improvement in his focus, perseverance and resilience this week and he really has reaped the rewards. Well done!

Squirrels: Tiffany - Don't give up

Tiffany has a fantastic attitude to her school work. She perseveres and puts 100% into everything. She is a shining example to all of Squirrel Class.

Sport Cup: Lilly - Don't give up

Lilly showed great determination when completing a circuit training exercise in PE. She never gave up and her perseverance shone through with a complete circuit in the end! Well done!



