
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Hunter - Work hard and concentrate

Hunter has thrown himself into his learning this week; from writing to counting, to artwork and cooking. You are a star!

Owls: Mason - Work hard and concentrate

Mason is amazing us with his mathematical understanding. He quickly answers questions accurately and when challenged, he uses great strategies to help him. Well done!

Leopards: Eddie - Improve

Eddie is doing his best to make good choices in class and is making great improvements. Keep up the good work!

Wolves: Eloise - Work hard and concentrate

Eloise has worked really hard in Maths this week and persevered when tackling two step word problems. Well done!

Meerkats: Whole class - Work hard and concentrate

Meerkat class have worked extremely well in collaboration with their learning partners, creating amazing descriptive writing, editing and improving. Well done!

Narwhals: Nancy - Improve and Work hard and concentrate

Nancy, we have watched you challenge yourself to achieve things that you didn't think you could and then have the confidence to share your understanding to support others this week. We are so proud of you!

Squirrels: Chay - Try new things

Chay impressed the whole class with his Biomes power-point. We were totally 'wowed' with his whizzy slides. Well done!

Sport Cup: Ruby - Don't give up

Ruby stuck at her defending technique during basketball practice this week, despite some strong opposition. Keep on defending, Ruby!




