
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Turtles: Harry - Respect yourself and others

Harry has been trying really hard to make good choices, thinking before he acts and being kind to others. We're all very proud of you, Harry!

Flamingos: Reily - Imagine

Reily has been creative with his learning this week. He interpreted some music and expressed how a giant would move! Well done, Reily.

Sun Bears: Isabel - Respect yourself and others

Isabel has had an amazing two weeks in Sun Bears. Issie has made a huge effort to make the right choices with her behaviour. She has managed distractions brilliantly.

Foxes: Amber - Don't give up

Amber has really impressed us with her determination in her writing and in her choices in class. Well done, Amber!

Badgers:Tiffany - Improve

What a joy seeing Tiffany write with such enthusiasm, perseverance and the biggest smile! She was so rightly proud of herself and we are too, Tiffany!

Toucans: Brook - Work hard and concentrate

Brook has worked tirelessly on his writing, showing fantastic enthusiasm and inspiring others. Brook's 'special write' included some excellent vocabulary, which engaged readers and left us waiting for more! Well done, Brook!

Sharks: Joshua - Don't give up

Joshua has really stuck at his learning this half term. He has been resilient and he has learned from mistakes. What a super shark!

Sport Cup: Melody - Work hard and concentrate

Melody had two amazing PE lessons this week. She managed distractions beautifully and focussed on all the right things when helping Mrs Press in Dodgeball. What a superstar!




