
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Turtles: Willow - Don't give up

Willow is an excellent example of a resilient learner, taking risks, persevering and recognising his own progress. Great progress results from great effort and Willow has made a great effort with writing his name this week. Well done!

Flamingos: Abby -Try new things

Abby continues to impress us with her learning. She asks excellent questions to develop her knowledge and will always challenge herself in any area. Keep it up!

Sun Bears; Emily - Respect yourself and others

Emily is a kind and understanding 'Learning Partner'. She lets her partner have the first go and listens to their ideas. Super, Emily!

Foxes: Pippa - Work hard and concentrate

Pippa has worked so hard this week, showing great focus. She is really persevering with fractions and amazing us with her writing, her very own portal story!

Badgers: Nathan - Work hard and concentrate

Nathan has made a conscious effort to really challenge himself recently, both during discussions and when completing independent work. great to see you in the zone, Nathan!

Toucans: Rosie - Work hard and concentrate

Rosie has shown great enthusiasm for her literacy work this week. A fabulous and committed attitude, well done, Rosie!

Sharks: Emilie - Try new things

Emilie really focussed on using art pencils and charcoal in her new sketchbook. She challenged herself to try lots of new techniques.

Sport Cup: Ruby - Improve

Ruby had a great dance lesson this week. She remembered what the term 'canon' is and how it is used in dance and explained to her classmates clearly. Well done, Ruby!

