
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Laiton - Respect yourself and others

Laiton has been a kind and caring caterpillar, showing real concern and care for his friends when they were hurt.

Bats: Kayden - Improve

Wow Kayden, you have blown everyone's socks off recently. You are improving each week in reading and writing and then managing your P.E routine! Great things to follow, I'm sure!

Honey Bees: Louis - All learning behaviours

Louis is so deserving of an award. He always concentrates, listens carefully, does his best and never gives up! He's a brilliant role model for everyone!

Huskies: Libby - Work hard and concentrate

Libby quietly gets on with her work and tries her very best in all areas. Keep up the effort Libby and well done!

Otters: James - Work hard and concentrate

James has blown us away with his enthusiasm, curiosity and the hours that he has put in at home for our Roman topic- we have learnt so much from you, James!

Koalas: Grace - Improve

Grace has worked hard this week in all subjects. In literacy, she has been so interested in the discovery of Skara Brae. In maths, she has worked hard to create an amazing picture, full of angles, lines and different shapes. Super effort Grace!

Panthers: Jack - Don't give up

Jack has really stuck at things this week. He has developed an imaginative play script and has tackled extension maths work with confidence. Well done!

Sport Cup: Girls Year 5 & 6 Football Team - Don't give up

The team showed great perseverance in their matches at Lyons Hall last Friday. Having not played competitively as a team before, they showed true resilience in their game and had faith in themselves. Well done girls!

