
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Turtles: Eddie - Improve

Excellent work in Read, Write, Inc. All green days and making super strides every day. Fantastic effort, Eddie!

Flamingos: Eloise - Improve

Eloise has impressed us with her motivation and attitude towards learning this week. She has tried so hard with her phonics at home, really helping her in school. Great work!

Sun Bears: Edward - Improve

Edward has worked so hard as an independent writer. During this week's 'Big Write', he said his sentence first and then wrote it. Super work, Edward!

Foxes: Lincoln - Work hard and concentrate

Lincoln showed excellent participation in our Mini-Maths Olympics this week. He demonstrated great subject knowledge when ordering and comparing decimals. Super effort!

Badgers: Abigail - Work hard and concentrate

Abigail challenges herself and strives to better her best in all that she does - she holds high expectations of herself and puts in great efforts to meet these.

Toucans: Finley - Improve

Finley is making fantastic progress in his maths. He is using a range of mental strategies and is determined to present his work more clearly. Great effort, Finley!

Sharks: Jamie - Don't give up

Jamie has really stuck at his artwork, he has persevered and produced a fantastic picture of a bird of prey!

Sport Cup: Turtles Class - All Learning Behaviours

The whole Turtles class have been very grown up and sensible when practicing their races for sports day. They have listened carefully, followed instructions, looked after themselves and each other and above all, had fun! Well done!

