
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Turtles: Findlay - All Learning Behaviours

Findlay always works hard and makes good choices. He is a kind friend and a fantastic role model for others. He often 'wows' us all. Well done,Findlay!

Flamingos: Emmie - Imagine

Emmie has had a great week and has excelled when showing her creativity! Inspired by our 'First Site' visit, she has produced some excellent art work for 'Take One Picture'!

Sun Bears: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others

Sun Bears were shining stars on Tuesday at the First Site Gallery. They had a grown-up attitude on the coach as we went on both buses, this was very sensible! Well done!

Foxes: Oliver - Work hard and concentrate

Oliver has managed distractions well this week and been focussed on making positive choices. An excellent week!

Badgers: Corbyn - Work hard and concentrate

Corbyn has really been trying to challenge himself in recent weeks, especially in Maths, and is reaping the rewards of doing so. Keep it up, Corbyn!

Toucans: Isobel - Work hard and concentrate

Issy is always focused and gives her best. Her hard working attitude makes her a great learning partner as do her precise and accurate editing skills. Great work!

Sharks: Mia - Don't give up

Mia continues to stick at things, particularly with her writing. She is a resilient learner and a truly super shark!

Sport Cup: Isabelle - Don't give up

Although a little nervous at first, Isabelle persevered in her high jump practice this week and surprised herself by how well she did! Super effort!
