Turtles: Elizabeth - Respect yourself and others
Lizzie amazed me with her kindness this week. She is always there to help others and give a hug if needed! Lizzie has also been a superstar with our song for the school fayre!
Flamingos: April - respect yourself and others
April is a fantastic flamingo! She is incredibly kind and caring to everyone and her wonderful behaviour has been noticed by adults all around the school! Well done!
Sun Bears: Jessica - Don't give up
Jessica has been a brave Sun Bear this week. Despite falling over and hurting her knee and arm, Jessica bounced back and carried on working hard in class. Well done!
Foxes: Pippa - Work hard and Concentrate
Pippa has worked really hard this week in all areas. She has generated excellent ideas in her 'Big Write' and solved tricky fraction equations.
Badgers: Charlie - Imagine
Charlie has really used his creativity and imagination in English this week, writing an explanation text for a contraption in spired by a picture book he loves!
Toucans: Theo - Work hard and concentrate
Theo has worked hard on his writing this week and has been inspired by our class text. He really got into the role of the main character, writing an emotive piece about a difficult journey. Keep it up!
Sharks: Ellie - Respect yourself and others
Ellie is always patient and kind to her peers. What great learning behaviours!
Sport Cup: Year 5 Dancers - All Learning Behaviours
All of the dancers were absolutely amazing when they performed at the Essex County Cricket ground in front of 100's! They demonstrated all the core values on a very hot afternoon. Well done!