Love Birds: George - Imagine.
George loves stories, especially retelling them. He brought in his book 'We're Going on an Egg Hunt'. George had fun innovating the story, thinking of different characters. Well done!
Pandas: Emily - Respect yourself and others.
Emily is a fantastic role model to her friends in Panda class. She listens to instructions, works well with her friends and is always willing to help other Pandas when she can.
Seahorses: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others.
Seahorse class thought carefully about their actions on our visit to the Museum of Childhood on Wednesday. They were great representatives of St. Andrew's school and we were proud to be with them. Well Done Seahorses!
Giraffes: Libby - Work hard and concentrate.
Libby has been working hard and concentrating. She has made a great effort this week, particularly in Maths. Libby has enjoyed tackling her multiplication and division word problems!
Ocelots: Sidney - Respect yourself and others.
Sidney has always thought about others and shows understanding and empathy. He is honest and will listen to the point of view of others in the class, helping them when he can. A very caring Ocelot. Well done!
Polar Bears: Ellie - Work hard and concentrate.
You have impressed us so much in Guided Reading, with your enthusiasm to share your ideas and listen and respond thoughtfully to what others are saying. Brilliant effort!
Golden Eagles: Jemima - Don't give up.
Jemima has really shone this week in literacy, writing a police report which she thought carefully about. She put a lot of effort into her work, settling down and concentrating hard. Well done Jemima!
Falcons: Fern - Work hard and concentrate.
Fern has made tremendous progress in all areas. She has concentrated and worked incredibly hard. Well Done!
Sports Cup: Ryan - Don't give up.
Well done Ryan for your perseverance and determination in all that you do.