
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

We were so impressed with Caterpillars class on our recent trip to Hollow Trees Farm. They behaved beautifully and it was such a lovely day!

Seahorses: Ben - Work hard and concentrate

Ben is such a good role-model for all seahorses, he makes great choices and is kind to others. This week, he has 'shone' showing great determination during assessments.

Wolves: Leo - Don't give up / Work hard and concentrate

Leo, we are so proud of you. You have been so determined to achieve your goals and this has really paid off. You have shown by working hard that you can overcome obstacles. Great work!

Lions: Whole Class - Work hard and concentrate / Don't give up

Lion class has worked their socks off this week as they completed their assessments. They have all shown determination to reach their goals even when they found it tricky. Well done!

Dolphins: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

Dolphins have worked so hard on their 'special writing' and throughout assessment week, consistently giving their best! We are so proud of you all!

Owls: Marnie - Improve

Marnie has 'wowed' us with her fraction knowledge this week. She has provided excellent explanations for her methods. Well done!

Butterflies: April - Work hard and concentrate

April unfailingly puts her best foot forwards - you can guarantee that any piece of work will have her full effort. Well done!

Sport Cup: Reily - Try new things

Reily has shown great resilience this half term and always tries his best. Every new skill Reily has tried, he has always given it 100%. Well done!


