
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Chloe - All learning behaviours

Chloe is such a shining star. She models all the school's learning behaviours and always has an amazing attitude to learning. Keep up the amazing work!

Seahorses: Summer - Work hard & concentrate

Summer is working so hard in Seahorses class. She listens well and contributes to class discussions, she has loved learning about penguins this week and has helped her friends recall facts.

Wolves: Minty - Work hard & concentrate

Minty has worked really hard this week to make improvements in her reading. She has focused on using the strategies we have been learning and even supported her peers. Well done!

Lions: Matthew - Improve

Matthew has not only worked incredibly hard all this week, but he has also used his understanding to help others around him. Great work!

Dolphins: Hazel - Improve

For excellent effort in her recent art work studying Kandinsky paintings. Hazel has shown great improvements!

Owls: Oscar - Respect yourself and others

Oscar has been a good role-model in Owl class, listening to others ideas. He has been keeping our classroom extra tidy with his role of 'Classroom Monitor'. Well done!

Butterflies: Whole class - All learning behaviours

You have shown our 'Learning Behaviours' every second this week. We are so proud of you. We are proud of you all for the camaraderie, focus and resilience you have shown throughout. Well Done!

Sport Cup: Darcy - Work hard and concentrate

Darcy's dedication, discipline and perseverance in PE is what has made him stand out in Athletics. Darcy is also a fantastic team player always cheering on his peers. Well done!
