
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Lillie - Respect yourself and others

Lillie has been such a super helper tidy-up star this week. Choosing to do extra jobs to help others as much as she can. Keep up the great work!

Seahorses: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

We are all so proud of Seahorse Class and how they represented St. Andrew's on our school trip to the zoo!

Wolves: Freddie - Work hard and concentrate

Well done, Freddie! You have shown great determination this week and have not given up when you have found work a challenge. Keep it Up!

Lions: Lilly-Rose - Imagine

Lilly fully immersed herself in our writer's workshop this week where the children were asked to create their own world. Lilly created a map of her world and used descriptive language to explain what it was like there. Excellent work!

Dolphins: Stanley - Improve

Stanley has amazed us all over the last few weeks with his focus, concentration and contributions during class discussions. Super job!

Owls: Kayden - Work hard and concentrate

Kayden has put 100% effort into his learning this week - working hard on fractions and sharing creative ideas for special write. Well done!

Butterflies: Will - Work hard and concentrate

Whatever he's turning his hand to, Will gives his all and helps others give their all too! Thank you for being such a wonderful role-model. Well done!

Sport Cup: Ava - Try new things

Ava is showing excellent determination and resilience in her PE lessons. Ava is a good friend to her peers and always supports her partner when learning a new skill. Well done!



