This week’s Headteacher Cup Winners
Pufflings: Ruby - Improving
Wow! Ruby’s writing is coming on in leaps and bounds. She is using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. What a wonderful writer you are Ruby!
Kangaroos: Ellie-Mae - Work hard and concentrate
Ellie-Mae has produced some superstar writing where she is challenging herself to improve with each new task.
Chipmunks: Phebe - Don’t give up/Work hard and concentrate
Despite facing a few obstacles this week, Phebe has persisted and put in 100% effort. As a result, she produced some fantastic writing in Big Write. What a superstar!
Penguins: Theo - Try new things
For showing such an interest when the intrepid explorer visited. Theo was keen to ask lots of questions to find out new things.
Spider Monkeys: Dylan - Work hard and concentrate
Dylan has enjoyed his Maths this week. He focussed for long periods rounding his numbers to 10 and 100. Well done Dylan!
Wolves: Yasmin - Work hard and concentrate
Yasmin always puts 100% effort into her learning and when she finds work challenging will persevere until she succeeds. Fantastic Yasmin. Keep it up!
Owls: Katy - Work hard and concentrate
It has been wonderful to see you putting so much into your homework, Katy! What a super Owl, flying so high in your learning.
Brown Bears: Marshall - Improve
Marshall has really focussed on his Reading, Writing and Maths and is making secure improvements.
Sports Cup: India - Respect yourself and others
India loves the quicksticks hockey club where she has worked so well with the Yr. 5 girls. Her energetic and enthusiastic play has given them the confidence to have a go too. Thank you, India, for leading the way.