This week's Headteacher Cup Winners 16th January 2015
Pufflings: Ruby - Improve
Who once took small steps, this week has made giant leaps and her writing has blossomed. Ruby I am so proud of you and it’s been a pleasure to be a part of your special learning journey
Kangaroos: Adam - Don’t give up
Throughout this week Adam has shown plenty of perseverance to stick at a task. He chose some brilliant vocabulary for Big Writing and used his sounds to spell tricky words.
Chipmunks: James - Respect yourself and others
James has made such an effort to think about his actions and listen carefully this week. Keep it up James. We’re proud of your efforts!
Penguins: Harry - Improve
Harry’s writing is getting even better, so many wow words in a week!
Spider Monkeys: Thomas - Improve
Thomas has been striving to improve and is always keen to do his best. Thomas has produced some amazing writing. What a super spider monkey!
Wolves: Katie - Improve
Katie has shown a keen desire to improve her work this year, with great results (particularly in writing). She readily listens to and acts on advice and consistently tries her best. Well done Katie, keep it up!
Owls: Ella Masterson - Work hard and concentrate
Ella has put in the hours at home and went the extra mile to create the most wonderful ‘Memory Box’ inspired by our discussion about memories in Philosophy last week.
Brown Bears: Head boy and girl: Rosy and Ewan - respect yourself and others
Rosy and Ewan represented the school during a really hectic week - both children spoke to visitors to the school with great maturity. Super role models!
Sports Cup: Oliver - Improve
Following the launch of St. Andrew’s fitness competition this week, Oliver has already shown his intentions. He demonstrated an amazing time of 8.25 on the white orienteering course. Great commitment, Oliver!