This week's Headeacher Cup Winners - 23rd January 2015
This week’s Headteacher Cup Winners
Pufflings: Jack - Work hard and concentrate
Jack counted and recorded all the numbers from 1 to 100. You are amazing Jack - we are very proud of you!
Kangaroos: Jasmine - Work hard and concentrate
Jasmine has been an excellent role model for our class this week. She has been keen to challenge herself in writing and determined to produce some whizzy writing with connectives.
Chipmunks: Sam - Respect yourself and others
Sam has made a conscious effort to do the right thing over the last few days. He has thought carefully about his actions and managed distractions. What a responsible young Chipmunk, you can be, well done. Keep it up Sam!
Penguins: Elsie - Imagination
Elsie has used her imagination to think about where Pirate Pearl may have hidden the treasure. A great attitude in class too. Keep it up Elsie!
Spider Monkeys: Ryan - Respect yourself and others
Ryan is a great friend to all Spider Monkeys. We were impressed to see you help your friend using the inverse in Numeracy.
Wolves: Jacob - Work hard and concentrate
A polite and helpful member of the class. Jacob gives his best consistently in everything he does. A ‘Wolf’ to be proud of!
Owls: Chloe - Improve
Chloe’s reading is coming on in leaps and bounds - she is putting in the hours at home, making the most of opportunities to work with her peers and certainly rose to the challenge in guided Reading this week!
Brown Bears: Lenay Vanstone - Work hard and concentrate
Lenay is really focussed in class - she always tries so hard. What a superstar!
Sports Cup: Ryan and Thomas - Try new things
Ryan/Thomas have graduated from the security of paired orienteering, waved goodbye to their partners and made the brave decision to go it alone! They had brilliant runs! Well done!