this week's cup winners
Pufflings: Anna - Work hard and concentrate
Anna is certainly putting in the hours to learn her sounds and numbers. She is making wonderful progress in all areas. Well done, Anna!
Kangaroos: Vinnie - Work hard and concentrate
Vinnie always comes to school with a brilliant attitude and bags of enthusiasm. He continues to make excellent progress in reading.
Chipmunks: Cameron - Don’t give up
Cameron has worked really hard to improve his writing. His perseverance has paid off and he achieved his writing target yesterday. Brilliant!
Penguins: Sunny - Improve
Improving every day, such impressive writing. Keep up the good work Sunny! Great target work too!
Spider Monkeys: Ted - Try new things
Ted has enjoyed having a go this week and has completed some tricky challenges! Well done, Ted!
Wolves: Rihanna - Work hard and concentrate
Rihanna has worked extremely hard in Maths this week. She has concentrated hard and listened well. Super Star, Keep it up!
Owls: Carla - Work hard and concentrate
Carla shows an unfailingly positive attitude to her learning and always gives her best. Keep it up, Carla!
Brown Bears: Kia - Don’t give up
Kia has persevered with all aspects of her learning. She is such a hard worker and is making great progress. Well done!
Sports Cup: Sam - Respect
Sam has worked well with team-mates in a great range of spots clubs and competitions this term (athletics, football, cross country, hockey) and, in particular, for his leadership of the dodgeball team. Well done, Sam!