St. Andrew’s star-studded cross country team had a magnificent afternoon at Notley Discovery Centre. More than 400 competitors representing 28 schools were racing in the Level 2 NW Essex cross country finals. There were separate year group races for boys and girls. In each race the prize for the winning team and also for the top five individual runners was an invitation to the Level 3 Essex finals. We are delighted to announce that 3 of our teams and 5 individual runners, 20 children in total, have qualified for the county event. Well done to St. Andrew’s individual qualifiers - Zac 1st, Oliver 1st, Angel 4th, Jacob 5th and Mia T 5th. They battled their way into the top spots and earned automatic selection for the county finals. Special congratulations to gold medallists Zac (Year 5 boys’ NW Essex champion) and Oliver (Year 4 boys’ NW Essex champion). Congratulations to our winning teams - Year 4 girls’ team 1st – Angel, Katie, Rihanna, Yasmin, Daisy, Mikala. Year 4 boys’ team 1st – Oliver, Jacob, Jamie H, Ben, Jack, Jamie MA. Year 3 girls’ team 1st – Freia, Connie, Holli, Daisy, Grace, Mia. All 38 runners were a real credit to the school. As they crossed the finish line their effort and determination were clear for all to see. In every race there were St. Andrew’s runners in the leading pack – Katie 7th, Sunny 7th, Ben J 8th, Eleanor 8th, Rihanna 8th, Seb 9th, Jonathan 11th, Jack R 12th, Yasmin 13th, Jamie H 13th, Liam 13th, Freia 14th. The Year 3 and Year 6 boys’ teams both finished 2nd, narrowly missing out on selection and the Year 6 girls’ were a very creditable 3rd. These wonderful results would not have been achieved without the help of Mrs Challis, Mrs Hartnup, Mrs Ingleby, Mr Partridge, Mrs Pilgrim, Mrs Poter, Mrs Press and Mrs Skeet who have all given generously of their time to prepare the children for their races. It was lovely to be supported by so many parents and friends, including Amy Bryant who was helping on the start line and Mr and Mrs Swallow who photographed the action.