Sunday 4th October saw a beautiful morning and the start of the new 2015/2016 ESSOL League.
Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk looked stunning in the autumn sunshine and it seemed to inspire the 12 St Andrews competitors running. Thomas Leader has clearly made use of the extra Essex Stragglers coaching that he has attended, by storming to victory on the white course and scoring 100 points, closely followed by superb runs by Amy Skeet (first girl 100 points), Harrison Dixey (84) and
Louis Dove (83)
Oliver Prince and Ben Partridge had excellent runs on the yellow with Oliver scoring 99 points and Thomas Martin ran the orange course well to secure 102 points.
Special mention must go to those just starting their orienteering
‘careers’. Holli and Daisy Dixey persevered on their debut white,
Abigail Prince showed her mum Sara a clean pair of heels and Ben
Martin bounced round, helping Holli and Daisy on the way. Thomas Walker had a small hiccup on the white but knowing Thomas, he’ll be back to challenge again another day.
As ever, thanks must go to all the parents for continuing to support the school and to SUFFOC for hosting the event.