
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteachers Cups

Elephants: Alice - Improve & Work Hard & Concentrate

Alice is always working hard in class, she shows enthusiasm when it comes to learning.  As a result she is showing much improvement in her reading and phonics.  We done, keep up the hard work!

Blue Whales: Isabella - Improve & Work Hard & Concentrate

Isabella has worked really hard throughout the term to improve in all areas of her learning.  She always shares great ideas and wants to challenge herself.  Well done Isabella!

Penguins: Mya - Respect Yourself & Others

Mya has been a really kind and caring friend this week, looking out for ways to help others!

Meerkats: Bonnie - Don't Give Up

Bonnie has shown quiet confidence and determination whilst working through her assessments this week and has completed tasks carefully and methodically, well done Bonnie!

Orangutans: Hero - Don't Give Up

All the adults in Orangutan class have been blown away by Hero's working attitude!  In the face of challenge he never gave up.  Well Done Hero!

Axolotls: Seb - Respect Yourself & Others

Seb is such a ray of sunshine - he brightens each day with his kindness towards others and his helpfulness around the class.  Keep it up Seb!

Duck-Billed Platypus': Grace - Try New Things

Grace really impressed with her first "Mighty Oaks" speech of the year - what a wonderfully brave voice! 

Sport Cup: Bonnie. S - Respect Yourself and Others

Bonnie always shows excellent listening skills during PE lessons and is able to keep herself and others safe.  Bonnie has been working hard this half term on her throwing and catching skills.  Well done Bonnie!
