Pufflings - Melody- Respect ourselves and others. Melody was very kind and helpful to the pre-school children when they came to visit this week. Thank you Melody.
Kangaroos - Whole Class - Working hard and concentrating. Kangaroo class have certainly shown they have been practising their reading skills as everyone achieved their best ever score on their phonic screening check. Well done to you all!
Chipmunks - Whole class - Don't give up. Chipmunks showed such determination throughout assessment week and their phonics screening check. As a teacher, I couldn't have asked any more of them and I'm so proud of them all! Well done everyone.
Penguins - Marney- Respect yourself and others. Marney lights up Penguins class with her smile; she is always helpful, kind and considerate. Keep smiling Marney!
Spider Monkeys- Annabelle- Don't give up. Annabelle is showing determination with her class work, especially in maths. She is sticking at her maths even when she finds it tricky. Well done Annabelle.
Wolves -Tallulah - Imagine. Tallulah created an amazing shape poem using her Kenning technique all about cats. Well done.
Owls - Amy- Improve. Amy is such a focused learner who always gives her best, whatever we are doing. I'm so proud of you for all that you have achieved this year. Your learning has come on leaps and bounds. Believe in yourself, you are a star!
Brown Bears - Respect yourself and others. Jack went out of his way to support a classmate who hurt herself on the way home from school. He showed true Brown Bear spirit and is an excellent ambassador for our school.
Sports Cup - Izzy. Izzy has been a caring and supportive member of the orienteering team, always on hand to help the younger runners. Thank you Izzy for reminding us all that true enjoyment of sports comes, not from winning, but simply from taking part. You are the heart of the team.