
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Jake - Working hard and Concentrating - Jake used his sounds brilliantly in his writing about how to cross a road safely

Chloe  - Imagination - We've all been busy learning the story of the Three Little Pigs this week. Chloe has been wonderfully imaginative with the story actions and even wrote the whole story at home!

Sam  - Imagination - Sam has thrown himself into his topic work this term, collecting facts about the history of Halstead and even bringing in his own book to help Chipmunks with their research. 

Thomas - Respect - Tom has made good choices this week and because of these choices, he has had a happy week in Penguins and achieved whizzy things, especially in maths. Good attitude Thomas! 

Erin  - Don't Give Up  - Erin shows excellent determination when she comes across a challenge. She always listens carefully and puts 100% effort into all her work

Joshua  - Try New Things - What can we say Josh? You've impressed us all so much this week with your careful reflection on your learning and the way that you have been open to challenging your thinking even further. Well done! 

Bradley - Improve - Bradley has put an amazing amount of effort into his reading and writing this week. He has strived to improve and has helped others where he can. Keep it up Bradley! What a superstar!

Brown Bears - Don't Give Up - Bears have worked so hard during SATS week - they have remained really focussed and have tried so hard - well done! 

Jonathan  - Always ready always eager! Jonathan is a very promising young athlete and he has relished the opportunities to take part in cross country running and all quad kids athletics with KS2. A wonderful year of sport. Jonathan! 
