Turtles: Whole Class - All learning behaviours
Turtle class were amazing on their trip to Hollow Tree Farm this week. They should be proud o displaying all six of our learning behaviours throughout the day!
Flamingos: Angel - Respect yourself and others
Angel showed great kindness this week when she looked after an EY child for the day. She was a calm, patient and caring Flamingo. Well done, Angel!
Sun Bears: Jack - Work hard and concentrate
Jack has worked so hard solving maths problems. He will challenge his learning and not give up! What a Sun Bear superstar!
Foxes: Anna - Work hard and concentrate
Anna has been working extremely hard with her maths recently and has been challenging herself with missing number problems. A fantastic Fox!
Badgers: William - Work hard and concentrate
William has kept catching our attention all week for all the right reasons - he's had his head down and worked so hard to better his best and has produced some wonderful pieces of work!
Toucans: Abi - Work hard and concentrate
Abi has worked in English this week to present her work neatly and include a range of punctuation. She has worked independently and been focused on her writing.
Sharks: Alex - Respect yourself and others
Alex is a patient and kind member of the class. She understands others and is a great listener. What a Super Shark!!
Sport Cup: Marley - Don't give up
Marley showed amazing perseverance in circuit training this week. He was determined to do his best and gritted his teeth and dug deep to complete all the exercises. Well done, Marley!